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The word first is in the Wiktionary

45 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • first adj. Preceding all others of a series or kind; the ordinal of one; earliest.
  • first adj. Most eminent or exalted; most excellent; chief; highest.
  • first adj. Of or belonging to a first family.
  • first adv. Before anything else; firstly.
  • first adv. For the first time.
  • first adv. (Hong Kong, nonstandard) Now.
  • first n. (Uncountable) The person or thing in the first position.
  • first n. (Uncountable) The first gear of an engine.
  • first n. (Countable) Something that has never happened before; a new occurrence.
  • first n. (Countable, baseball) first base.
  • first n. (Countable, Britain, colloquial) A first-class honours degree.
  • first n. (Countable, colloquial) A first-edition copy of some publication.
  • first n. (In combination) A fraction whose (integer) denominator ends in the digit 1.
  • first n. (Obsolete) Time; time granted; respite.
  • First prop.n. A surname.
— Foreign word, define in English —
  • Middle english
— English word, defined in German —
  • first Adj. Ohne Vorgänger.
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • first num. Eerste.
— English word, defined in Latin —
  • first n.adi. Primus (-a, -um) || √.
— English words, defined in French —
  • first adj. Premier, unième. Note : On utilise ce mot aussi dans les mots composés.
  • first n. Premier.
  • first n. (Baseball) Première base.
  • first adv. Premièrement, d’abord, pour la première fois.
  • first adv. (Baseball) Au premier ordre de frappe.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • first adj. Matemáticas. Primero.
  • first s. El primero, la primera.
  • first s. Primera vez.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • first adj. Primeiro, numeral ordinal correspondente ao número 1.
  • first adj. Menor, mínimo.
  • first adv. Em primeiro lugar, antes de mais nada.
  • first s. Algo ou alguém que está em primeiro lugar em uma lista.
  • first s. (Automobilismo) primeira marcha de um veículo.
  • first s. Fato sem precedentes, alguma coisa que jamais aconteceu.
  • first s. (Desporto) (beisebol) primeira base.
  • first s. (Reino Unido e coloquial) grau acadêmico de primeira classe.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • first ord. Corrisponde al numero cardinale 1, primo.
  • first s. (Inv) una persona o cosa che occupa la prima posizione, primo.
  • first s. (Automobile) (inv) prima marcia.
  • first s. Una novità, qualcosa che non è mai successo.
  • first s. (Baseball) la prima base.
  • first adv. Dapprima, innanzitutto.
— In German —
  • First S. Höchste Kante an einem geneigten Dach.
  • First S. Geografie: Gebirgskamm.
— In French —
  • first adj. Premier, voyez first lady.
  • first adj. D’abord, avant tout.
75 English words from 16 English definitions

all anything anything␣else base baseball before belonging Britain chief class colloquial combination copy Countable degree denominator digit earliest edition else eminent ends ends␣in engine exalted excellent family first first␣base first␣class first␣family first␣gear firstly first␣time For fraction gear granted happened has highest Hong Hong␣Kong honours honours␣degree integer kind Kong most never new nonstandard Now Obsolete occurrence of␣a of␣an one ordinal others person position Preceding publication respite series some Something surname that the thing time Uncountable whose

39 English words from 29 foreign definitions

abord Algo antes Automobile avant base Baseball che dans first first␣lady frappe inv lady les mai Menor mot mots nada non Note numeral numero ordinal ordre persona pour premier première prima primero primo Primus que sem tout Una utilise

68 foreign words from 29 foreign definitions

acadêmico aconteceu alguém alguma antes␣de aussi Automobilismo avant␣tout beisebol cardinale classe coisa coloquial composés correspondente Corrisponde cosa Dach dans␣les Dapprima Desporto Eerste einem está Fato fois Gebirgskamm geneigten Geografie grau Höchste innanzitutto jamais Kante lista lugar mais marcha marcia Matemáticas mínimo mots␣composés novità numeral␣ordinal número numero␣cardinale occupa Ohne ordre␣de␣frappe posizione precedentes Première␣base Premièrement primeira primeiro primera qualcosa Reino Reino␣Unido successo uma una Unido unième veículo vez Vorgänger voyez

337 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

firste firsts firster firstie firstly first␣up first␣aid First-day First␣Day First␣Dog firsters firstest first-fit firsties first␣leg first␣off First␣War firstable first␣base firstborn first-born first␣call first-chop first␣city first␣dibs first␣down first-feet first-foot first␣gear first-half first␣half firsthand first-hand first␣hand firsthood first␣lady First␣Lady first␣legs first-line firstling first␣love first␣mate First␣Mesa first␣milk firstmost first␣name firstness first␣rain first-rate first␣rate +287 words

75 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Kafirstan fifty-firsts forty-firsts sixty-firsts standfirsts at␣first␣bluff at␣first␣blush at␣first␣sight double␣firsts eighty-firsts ninety-firsts thirty-firsts twenty-firsts who's␣on␣firsts at␣first␣glance hundred-firsts seventy-firsts twenty-firstly America␣Firster get␣to␣first␣base got␣to␣first␣base last␣in␣first␣out America␣Firsters at␣the␣first␣brunt fifty-first␣state first␣in␣first␣out from␣first␣to␣last gets␣to␣first␣base half-first␣cousin in␣the␣first␣place Newton's␣first␣law play␣first␣fiddle depth-first␣search fifty-first␣states half-first␣cousins have␣the␣first␣idea love␣at␣first␣sight make␣the␣first␣move on␣first-name␣terms cast␣the␣first␣stone double␣first␣cousin gotten␣to␣first␣base not␣one's␣first␣rodeo on␣a␣first-name␣basis private␣first␣class single-first␣cousin breadth-first␣search casts␣the␣first␣stone depth-first␣searches double␣first␣cousins +25 words

42 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

at␣first webfirst came␣first come␣first dead␣first facefirst face␣first feetfirst feet-first feet␣first headfirst head-first head␣first nosefirst nose-first blink␣first cloud-first comes␣first fifty-first forty-first interfirst sixty-first standfirst touch-first coming␣first double␣first eighty-first ladies␣first ninety-first tender-first thirty-first twentyfirst twenty-first who's␣on␣first America␣First from␣the␣first hundred-first seventy-first hundred-and-first first␣things␣first not␣if␣I␣see␣you␣first women␣and␣children␣first

6 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

fir FIR firs FIRs IRs IRS

6 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

rif Rif RIF Sri SRI TSR

5 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

frist frits FTIRs rifts SIRTF

32 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

afrits drifts efrits firest firste firsts firths Firths fister Fister flirts fortis Fortis fraist freits frists friths fruits Fruits ftiras grifts ifrits iftars refits resift rifest Safrit shrift sifter sit␣for strife tafsir

36 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

firs FIRs fist FIST fits FiTs FITs Fris frit FTIR IFRS IRFs ISTR ITFs RFIs RFTs rifs RIFs rift Rist rits RTIs sift sirt stir STIR TFRs tifs TIFs TIRs tRFs tris Tris TRIs TRIS tris-

6 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

Forst furst Furst fyrst Hirst Kirst

4 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

firs FIRs fist FIST

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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