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The word gasp is in the Wiktionary

27 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • gasp v. (Intransitive) To draw in the breath suddenly, as if from a shock.
  • gasp v. (Intransitive) To breathe quickly or in a labored manner, as after exertion; to respire with heaving…
  • gasp v. (Transitive) To speak in a breathless manner.
  • gasp v. To pant with eagerness or excitement; to show vehement desire.
  • gasp n. A short, sudden intake of breath.
  • gasp n. (Britain, slang): A draw or drag on a cigarette (or gasper).
  • gasp interj. (Humorous) The sound of a gasp.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Swedish
    • gäsp n. Sigh, yawn; the act of sighing.
  • Westrobothnian
    • gasp n. Loud talking, joking, fun.
— English words, defined in German —
  • gasp S. Der (hörbarer) Atemzug, (hörbares) Luftholen, Luftanziehen.
  • gasp V. Keuchen, japsen, nach Luft schnappen, nach Luft ringen.
  • gasp V. Umgangssprachlich, britisch: sehr durstig sein.
  • gasp V. Umgangssprachlich, britisch: nach etwas streben, nach etwas verlangen.
  • gasp V. Veraltet, amerikanisch: eine kleine Menge Alkohol trinken.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • gasp w. Onovergankelijk hijgen.
  • gasp w. Onovergankelijk naar adem snakken.
  • gasp w. Onovergankelijk zwoegen.
  • gasp w. Overgankelijk hijgend praten.
  • gasp n. Het naar adem snakken.
— English words, defined in French —
  • gasp n. Halètement.
  • gasp v. Avoir le souffle coupé.
  • gasp v. Haleter.
  • gasp v. Parler sans respirer.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • gasp v. Suspirar.
  • gasp v. Ofegar, arquejar.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • gasp s. Singulto, gemito, singhiozzo.
— In French —
  • gasp n.m. (Anglicisme) État de respiration agonique.
48 English words from 9 English definitions

act after as␣if breath breathe breathless Britain cigarette desire drag drag␣on draw draw␣in eagerness excitement exertion from fun gasp gasper heaving Humorous intake Intransitive joking labored Loud manner of␣a pant quickly respire shock short show Sigh sighing slang sound speak sudden suddenly talking the Transitive vehement with yawn

9 English words from 18 foreign definitions

coupé Der Het Luft respiration respirer sans sein souffle

46 foreign words from 18 foreign definitions

adem agonique Alkohol amerikanisch Anglicisme arquejar Atemzug Avoir Avoir␣le␣souffle␣coupé britisch durstig eine État etwas gemito Halètement Haleter hijgen hijgend hörbarer hörbares japsen Keuchen kleine Luftholen Menge naar nach Ofegar Onovergankelijk Overgankelijk Parler praten ringen schnappen sehr singhiozzo Singulto snakken streben Suspirar trinken Umgangssprachlich Veraltet verlangen zwoegen

51 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Gaspé gasps gaspt gaspy gasped gasper Gasper Gaspari gaspers Gaspers gaspeth gaspier gasping gaspipe gas␣pump Gasparis gas␣pedal gaspiest gaspings gaspipes gas␣plant gas␣poker gasproof gas␣pumps Gasparian Gasparini Gasparyan gas␣passer gas␣pedals gaspereau gaspergou Gaspesian gaspiness gaspingly gas␣plants gas␣pokers Gasparilla Gasparillo Gasparinis Gasparyans gas␣passers gaspereaus gaspereaux gaspergous Gaspesians gas-powered gas␣pipeline Gaspar␣Grande gas␣pipelines Gasparilla␣Island Gasparillo␣Island

48 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Legaspi Legaspis megaspace megaspore dying␣gasps megaspaces megaspilid megaspirid megaspores megasporic bog␣asphodel gigasporoid megaspilids megaspirids quaking␣asps bog␣asphodels gigasporoids megasporange pegaspargase quaking␣aspen megasporanges megasporangia megasporizine megasporocarp megasporocyte quaking␣aspens coenomegaspore gigasporaceous megasporangial megasporangium megasporocarps megasporocytes megasporophyll megasporophyte mahogany␣gaspipe megasporangiate megasporophylls megasporophytes Saratoga␣Springs mahogany␣gaspipes megasporogeneses megasporogenesis casting␣aspersions calling␣a␣spade␣a␣spade heart␣as␣big␣as␣Phar␣Lap megaspore␣mother␣cell calling␣a␣spade␣a␣shovel megaspore␣mother␣cells

5 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

agasp last-gasp last␣gasp dying␣gasp quaking␣asp

5 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

asp ASP gas Gas GAs

6 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

PsA PSA Psa. sag Sag SAG

8 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)


38 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

agasp AGMPs ARPGs FPGAs galps gamps gapes Gaspé gasps gaspt gaspy gas␣up gaups gawps GFAPs GPUSA grasp GRASP GWAPs gypsa pages Pages pagus -pagus pangs Pangs PASGs PASGT Pasig PAWGs pGALS pIgAs Poags Pugas spang Spang spaug sprag

53 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

AGP ags AGs AGS Ags. APG APs APS ASG asp ASP gap Gap GAP gas Gas GAs GPA GPs GPS GSA GSP Pag PAG pas Pas PAs PAS PGA p.g.a. pgs Pgs PGs PGS pgs. P.G.s PsA PSA Psa. PSG sag Sag SAG sap SAP s.ap. SGA sGP spa Spa SpA SPA SPG

20 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

GAAP galp gamp GAMP gash Gash -gasm Gass gast Gast gaup gawp GSSP hasp IASP jasp rasp wasp Wasp WASP

9 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

asp ASP gap Gap GAP gas Gas GAs GSP

3 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

gas␣up grasp GRASP

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