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The word gb is in the Wiktionary

36 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • Gb sym. (Computing, formal) gigabit (1000 megabits or 10003 bits).
  • Gb sym. (Computing, informal) gibibit (210 (1024) mebibits or 230 (10243) bits).
  • GB sym. (Computing, formal) gigabyte (1,000 megabytes or 1,000,000,000 bytes).
  • GB sym. (Computing, informal) gibibyte (210 (1024) megabytes (mebibytes) or 230 (1,073,741,824) bytes).
  • GB n. (Anatomy) Initialism of gallbladder.
  • GB n. (Informal, pharmacology) Initialism of goofball (“barbiturate”).
  • GB n. (Crystallography) Initialism of grain boundary.
  • GB prop.n. Initialism of Great Britain.
  • GB prop.n. Initialism of Gilgit-Baltistan.
  • GB prop.n. Abbreviation of Green Bay in Wisconsin, USA.
  • GB prop.n. Initialism of Game Boy.
  • GB prop.n. (Chemistry, military) Initialism of German agent B (US designation for the nerve gas sarin).
  • GB prop.n. Initialism of Guantanamo Bay.
  • GB prop.n. (Linguistics) Initialism of Government and Binding.
  • GB phr. (Internet slang) Initialism of God bless.
  • G♭ n. Alternative spelling of G-flat.
— International convention —
  • gb let. A digraph from g and b, considered an individual letter in some languages.
  • gb sym. (IPA) Alternative form of ɡb (voiced labial-velar stop).
  • GB sym. (International standards) ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for United Kingdom.
  • ɡb sym. (IPA) voiced labial-velar plosive.
  • .gb n. The ccTLD for United Kingdom (Reserved domain by IANA; deprecated - see .uk) as assigned by the IANA.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Nupe
    • gb let. The ninth letter of the Nupe alphabet, written in the Latin script.
    • Gb let. The ninth letter of the Nupe alphabet, written in the Latin script.
  • Yoruba
    • gb let. The eighth letter of the Yoruba alphabet, called gbì and written in the Latin script.
    • Gb let. The eighth letter of the Yoruba alphabet, called gbì and written in the Latin script.
    • GB let. Alternative letter-case form of Gb (“The eighth letter of the Yoruba alphabet”).
— English words, defined in French —
  • GB sym. (Automobile) Grande-Bretagne (signe distinctif en trafic international des véhicules automobiles immatriculés…
  • GB sym. (Informatique) Go. Symbole du gigaoctet (230 octets, ou 109 octets environ), unité de mesure de quantité…
— English word, defined in Portuguese —
  • GB sig. (Geografia⚠) Sigla de Great Britain (Grã-Bretanha).
— In German —
  • GB Abk. Informatik: Gigabyte.
  • GB Abk. ALPHA-2-Ländercode, ISO 3166-1, KFZ-Nationalitätszeichen…
  • GB Abk. Güterbahnhof.
— In French —
  • GB n.m. (Sylviculture) Gros bois.
  • G.␣B. n.m. (Numismatique) « Grand bronze ».
— In Portuguese —
  • GB sig. (Geografia, Brasil⚠) sigla do extinto Estado de Guanabara.
  • GB sig. (Informática⚠) símbolo de gigabyte.
106 English words from 26 English definitions

Abbreviation agent alpha alphabet Alternative Anatomy and assigned Baltistan barbiturate Bay Binding bits bless boundary Boy Britain bytes called case ccTLD Chemistry code Computing considered country country␣code Crystallography deprecated designation digraph domain eighth flat for form formal from gallbladder Game gas German G␣flat gibibit gibibyte gigabit gigabyte Gilgit Gilgit-Baltistan God God␣bless goofball Government grain grain␣boundary Great Great␣Britain Green Green␣Bay Guantanamo Guantanamo␣Bay IANA individual informal Initialism International Internet IPA ISO Kingdom labial languages Latin Latin␣script letter letter␣case Linguistics mebibits mebibytes megabits megabytes military nerve nerve␣gas ninth Nupe pharmacology plosive Reserved sarin script see slang some spelling standards stop the United United␣Kingdom USA velar voiced Wisconsin written Yoruba

21 English words from 10 foreign definitions

Automobile automobiles bois Brasil Britain bronze des environ Estado gigabyte Grand Grande Great Great␣Britain Guanabara international ISO octets sigla Sylviculture Symbole

1 foreign word from 26 English definitions


26 foreign words from 10 foreign definitions

Bretagne Bretanha distinctif extinto Geografia gigaoctet Grã Grã␣Bretanha Grande-Bretagne Gros Gros␣bois Güterbahnhof immatriculés Informática Informatik Informatique Ländercode mesure Numismatique quantité signe símbolo trafic unité unité␣de␣mesure véhicules

36 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

GBA GBC Gbe GBE GBF GBG GBH GBI GBL GBR Gbs GBs GBS G♭s Gb/s GBT GBU GBV GBAs GBAS GBBO GBCs GBEs GBFs Gbin Gbit GBNI Gbps GBTW g'bye GBASs GB␣plc G-buffer G-buffers GB␣virus␣C Gbadolite

1891 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

CGBD Egba EGBA Egbo Igbo IGBT JGBs KGBs LGBO LGBQ LGBs lgbt LGBT LGBT+ L.G.B.T. NGBs RGBI RGBY SGBV ugba Bagby Bigby Digby Egbos Higby Igbos IGBTs LGBOs LGBO's LGBTA LGBTA+ LGBTI LGBTI+ LGBTO LGBTQ LGBTQ+ L.G.B.T.Q. LGBTs Magby Rigby rugby Rugby agbada agbero alagba bagboy bag␣boy Bagbys Begbie Bengbu +1841 words

15 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)


2 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

bg Bg.

78 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

ABG AGB bag bbg BBG BCG beg Beg BFG BGA BGC bge BGH BGM BGP bgs BGT big BIG bog BOG BRG BSG BTG bug Bug CBG CGB gab Gab GAB gab- -gab- GBA GBC Gbe GBE GBF GBG GBH GBI GBL GBR Gbs GBs GBS G♭s Gb/s GBT GBU +28 words

153 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

ab Ab AB A♭ -ab ab- ab. A&B A/B a.b. A.B. bb BB BB&B B␣&␣B CB Cc&b C.B. DB D Eb EB E Fb FB FF&B Ga GA Ga. G&A GC gd GD g-d G-d ge gE Ge GE gf GF gg Gg GG gh GH gi GI G.I. G.␣I. gj GJ gk GK Gk. Gl GL g/l gm GM gn GN go Go GO g'ô -go- G.O. GP G.P. GQ gr GR gr. Gr. gs Gs GS g's G's G/S G.S. gt Gt GT G&T G␣&␣T gu Gu GU GV gw GW gx gz HB IB ib. (+52 words)

20 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

gab Gab GAB gab- -gab- GCB gdb Geb GEB GHB gib GiB Gib. GLB GMB gob GRB GSB gub GWB

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