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The word gg is in the Wiktionary

43 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • gg phr. (Online gaming slang) Initialism of good game.
  • gg phr. (Online gaming slang, by extension) loss, defeat, game over.
  • gg phr. (Slang) Initialism of good going.
  • Gg n. Abbreviation of gigagram.
  • GG n. (Politics) Initialism of governor general or governor-general.
  • GG n. (Linguistics) Initialism of generative grammar.
  • GG n. (LGBT slang, offensive) Initialism of genetic girl or genuine girl.
  • GG interj. (Online gaming, slang) Good game; commonly used at the end of a gaming match; also sometimes used to end an argument.
  • GG interj. (Slang) Good going; may be used genuinely or sarcastically.
  • GG adj. (Singapore, informal, colloquial) Likely to have an undesirable outcome, which one cannot change or escape from.
  • GG prop.n. (Internet) Gamergate.
— International convention —
  • Gg sym. (Metrology) Symbol for gigagram, an SI unit of mass equal to 109 grams.
  • GG sym. The symbol for the gigagauss, a unit of magnetic field strength in the cgs system of units.
  • GG sym. (International standards) ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for Guernsey since 2006.
  • GG sym. (UK, clothing) Bra cup size.
  • .gg sym. The ccTLD for Guernsey as assigned by the IANA.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Cherokee
  • Chinese
    • GG n. (Internet slang) Alternative form of 哥哥.
    • GG v. (Internet slang) to be done for; to be doomed (especially in a game).
    • GG prop.n. (Internet slang) Short for Google.
    • GG n. (Internet slang) Alternative form of 雞雞/鸡鸡.
  • Indonesian
    • gg. n. Abbreviation of gang.
    • Gg. n. Abbreviation of gang.
— English word, defined in German —
  • gg Abk. Computerspieler-Jargon: Phrase die am Ende einer Spielrunde geschrieben wird, um seine Zufriedenheit…
— English word, defined in Spanish —
  • GG sig. Sigla de «Good Game» que en castellano traduciríamos como "buen juego" o "bien jugado".
— In German —
  • GG Abk. Abkürzung für das Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
  • gg. Abk. Gegen.
  • *gg* Abk. Internet: besonders breit grinsend; Verstärkung von *g*.
  • *gg* Abk. Computerspiele: Abkürzung für good game (gutes Spiel).
  • g.␣g. Abk. Ganz geheim.
— In French —
  • gg interj. (Jeux vidéo) Bien joué. (good game)
  • gg interj. (Par extension) (Argot Internet) Félicitations, bravo.
  • GG n.m. (Argot des Gadz’Arts) Grand Gala de l’école à Clun’s et P3.
  • GG n.m. Siège du Gouvernement Général de l’Algérie, à Alger, pendant…
  • GG interj. (Jeux vidéo) Bien joué.
  • GG interj. (Par extension) (Argot Internet) Félicitations, bravo.
— In Portuguese —
  • gg s. Plural de g.
  • GG sig. (Vestuário) grande grande, que tem tamanho muito grande…
  • GG sig. Grande grande, que é muito grande.
  • GG sig. (Vestuário) grande grande, que tem tamanho muito grande…
— In Italian —
  • gg acro. Abbreviazione di giorni.
  • gg acro. Abbreviazione di giornate.
  • gg acro. Abbreviazione di good game.
106 English words from 23 English definitions

Abbreviation alpha also Alternative argument assigned Bra by␣extension cannot ccTLD cgs change cicada clothing code colloquial commonly country country␣code cup cup␣size defeat done done␣for doomed end end␣of equal escape especially extension field for form from game game␣over Gamergate gaming gang general generative generative␣grammar genetic genetic␣girl genuine genuinely gigagauss gigagram girl going good good␣game good␣going Google governor governor␣general grammar grams Guernsey have IANA informal Initialism International Internet ISO LGBT Likely Linguistics Locust loss magnetic magnetic␣field mass match may may␣be Metrology of␣a offensive one Online outcome over Politics sarcastically Short Short␣for since Singapore size slang sometimes standards strength symbol system the undesirable unit units used used␣to which which␣one

30 English words from 20 foreign definitions

Alger Argot Arts Bien bravo castellano Clun das des Deutschland die Ende extension Gala game Ganz good good␣game Grand grande Internet Jargon Par pendant Phrase Plural que seine Sigla Spiel

44 foreign words from 20 foreign definitions

Abbreviazione Abkürzung Algérie besonders bien Bien␣joué breit buen Bundesrepublik Clun’s como Computerspiele école einer Félicitations für Gegen geheim Général geschrieben giornate giorni Gouvernement grinsend Grundgesetz gutes Jeux Jeux␣vidéo joué juego jugado muito Par␣extension Siège Spielrunde tamanho tem traduciríamos Verstärkung Vestuário vidéo von wird Zufriedenheit

17 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

GGE GGG GGO ggs GGs GGS GGT GGEI GGEs GGEV GGEZ GGOs GGWP g-girl g-girls GG␣no␣re Ġgantija

7019 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

aggs aggy Aggy egge eggs eggy iggs IgGs iggy Iggy oggy uggo uggs aggag ag-gag aggat agged agger aggie Aggie aggri aggro aggry baggs Baggs baggy begg'd begge Beggs bigge biggs Biggs biggy boggo Boggs boggy Buggs buggy ciggy dagga dagge Daggs daggy Diggs dogge doggo doggy eggah eggar egged +6969 words

210 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

agg egg Egg EGG GGG igg IgG Ogg ugg UGG Bagg Begg bigg Bugg Dagg Dogg Eigg Eng'g Fagg Figg Fogg fugg gegg Gegg Hagg Hegg hogg Hogg Hugg jagg jugg Jugg Kegg Legg logg Lugg Mogg nugg Pegg pigg Pigg pIgG PIgG ragg Rigg Rugg Sigg Sugg Tagg tegg +160 words

32 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

agg egg Egg EGG gag GAG GBG geg Geg GGE GGG GGO ggs GGs GGS GGT GHG gig GMG gog Gog GRG gsg GSG gtg GTG GWG igg IgG Ogg ugg UGG

137 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

ag Ag AG Ag. A-G A/G A.G. A.␣G. bg Bg. CG DG eg EG E&G e.g. e.␣g. FG FG% f.g. f*****g Ga GA Ga. G&A Gb GB G GC gd GD g-d G-d ge gE Ge GE gf GF gh GH gi GI G.I. G.␣I. gj GJ gk GK Gk. Gl GL g/l gm GM gn GN go Go GO g'ô -go- G.O. GP G.P. GQ gr GR gr. Gr. gs Gs GS g's G's G/S G.S. gt Gt GT G&T G␣&␣T gu Gu GU GV gw GW gx gz HG H/G ig Ig IG JG j.g. KG lg LG lg. (+36 words)

17 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

gag GAG GBG geg Geg GGG GHG gig GMG gog Gog GRG gsg GSG gtg GTG GWG

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