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The word ginger is in the Wiktionary

42 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • ginger n. The pungent aromatic rhizome of a tropical Asian herb, Zingiber officinale, used as a spice and as a…
  • ginger n. The plant that produces this rhizome.
  • ginger n. Other species belonging to the same family, Zingiberaceae, especially those of the genus Zingiber.
  • ginger n. A reddish-brown color.
  • ginger n. (Colloquial, often derogatory, countable) A person with reddish-brown hair; a redhead.
  • ginger n. (Colloquial, uncountable) Vitality, vigour, liveliness (of character).
  • ginger n. (Colloquial, countable and uncountable) Ginger ale, or can or bottle of such (especially if dry).
  • ginger n. (Colloquial, Scotland, especially Glasgow, countable and uncountable) Any soft fizzy drink, or can or…
  • ginger adj. (Of hair or fur) Of a reddish-brown colour.
  • ginger adj. Having hair or fur of this colour.
  • ginger v. To add ginger to.
  • ginger v. To enliven, to spice (up).
  • ginger v. To apply ginger to the anus of a horse to encourage it to carry its tail high and move in a lively fashion.
  • ginger v. (Nigeria, transitive) To inspire (someone); to give a little boost to.
  • ginger adj. (Chiefly Britain, regional, Canada, US) Very careful or cautious; also, delicate, sensitive.
  • ginger adv. In a very careful or cautious manner; also, delicately, sensitively.
  • ginger v. To move gingerly, in a very careful and cautious manner.
  • ginger n. (UK, Cockney rhyming slang) A homosexual.
  • ginger adj. (UK, Cockney rhyming slang) Homosexual.
  • Ginger prop.n. A female given name from English and nickname.
  • Ginger prop.n. (Rare) A male nickname.
  • Ginger prop.n. A given name for animals having ginger- or orange-coloured fur or feathers.
— English words, defined in German —
  • ginger S. Botanik: der Ingwer: Pflanze (Zingiber officinale) aus der Familie der Ingwergewächse.
  • ginger S. Ingwer: Rhizom der Ingwerpflanze, das als Küchengewürz und Arznei verwendet wird.
  • ginger S. Umgangssprachlich: rothaariger Mensch, Rotschopf (Rothaariger, Rotkopf).
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • ginger n. (Plantkunde) Zingiber officinale gember.
— English words, defined in French —
  • ginger n. (Cuisine).
  • ginger n. Gingembre (toute plante du genre Zingiber).
  • ginger n. Énergie, peps, punch.
  • ginger n. Brun jaunâtre.
  • ginger n. (Principalement au Royaume-Uni, parfois péjoratif) (Familier) Rouquin.
  • ginger adj. Roux , rousse.
— English word, defined in Spanish —
  • ginger s. Botánica y Gastronomía. Jengibre.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • ginger s. Pianta del genere Zingiber , proveniente dall’Asia tropicale e dalla Polinesia, della famiglia Zingiberacee…
  • ginger s. Rizoma di suddetta pianta; zenzero.
  • ginger s. Colore marrone-rossastro, fulvo.
  • ginger s. (Colloquiale) persona dai capelli marroni-rossastri.
  • ginger agg. Di colore marrone-rossastro, fulvo.
  • ginger agg. Trattare con cura.
— In German —
  • Ginger S. Ingwer.
  • Ginger S. Abwertend: Person mit roten Haaren unbelegt.
— In Italian —
  • ginger s. (Ingl.) bibita analcolica frizzante, di colore rosso e dal…
116 English words from 22 English definitions

add ale a␣little also and animals anus Any apply aromatic Asian belonging boost bottle Britain brown can Canada careful carry cautious character Chiefly Cockney Cockney␣rhyming␣slang Colloquial color colour coloured countable delicate delicately derogatory drink dry encourage English enliven especially family fashion feathers female fizzy fizzy␣drink for from fur genus ginger Ginger␣ale gingerly give given given␣name Glasgow hair having herb high homosexual horse inspire its little liveliness lively male manner move move␣in name name␣for nickname Nigeria of␣a often orange Other person plant produces pungent Rare reddish redhead regional rhizome rhyming rhyming␣slang same Scotland sensitive sensitively slang soft someone species spice such tail that the the␣same this those to␣the transitive tropical uncountable used very vigour Vitality with Zingiber

21 English words from 20 foreign definitions

als Asia con Cuisine dai dal dall das del der frizzante genre Mensch peps Person persona punch Roux und Uni Zingiber

1 foreign word from 22 English definitions


60 foreign words from 20 foreign definitions

Abwertend analcolica Arznei aus bibita Botánica Botanik Brun capelli Colloquiale colore cura dalla della Énergie famiglia Familie Familier fulvo Gastronomía gember genere Gingembre Haaren Ingwer jaunâtre Jengibre marrone marroni mit officinale parfois péjoratif Pflanze pianta plante Plantkunde Polinesia Principalement proveniente Rhizom Rizoma rossastri rossastro rosso roten rothaariger Rotschopf Rouquin rousse Royaume Royaume-Uni suddetta toute tropicale Umgangssprachlich unbelegt verwendet wird zenzero

82 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

gingers gingery gingered gingerly gingerol ginger␣up gingerade ginger␣ale gingerest Gingerich gingering gingerish gingerism gingerist gingernut ginger␣nut gingerols gingerous gingerpop ginger␣pop gingerades ginger␣ales gingerbeer ginger␣beer gingerette ginger␣knob gingerlike gingerline gingermint gingerness gingernuts ginger␣nuts gingerpops ginger␣pops gingerroot ginger␣root gingersnap ginger␣snap gingersome ginger␣wine gingerbeers ginger␣beers gingerbread gingerenone gingerettes ginger␣group Gingeriches ginger␣knobs gingerlines gingerphobe +32 words

8 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

red␣gingers wild␣gingers shell␣gingers torch␣gingers spiral␣gingers shampoo␣gingers pinecone␣gingers Saint␣George␣Gingerland

16 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

red␣ginger sea␣ginger swinginger wild␣ginger mango␣ginger shell␣ginger torch␣ginger kahili␣ginger spiral␣ginger Jamaica␣ginger shampoo␣ginger Japanese␣ginger pinecone␣ginger knock␣down␣ginger knock-knock␣ginger show␣a␣little␣ginger

13 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ger Ger GER Ger. Ger⁺⁶ gin Gin ging Ging ginge ing -ing -ïng

4 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

GNI nig reg Reg

5 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

erging Gering nigger Nigger Riggen

30 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Brig.␣Gen. egg␣ring Gagnier gag␣rein gearing Gearing Gehring Gerding Gerling germing gerning gerring gingers gingery Goering greking greying Grinage gungier ingorge merging naggier niggers niggery niggler Riggens serging snigger verging zerging

17 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

geg␣in Gerig Giger ginge Greig Grein Grine Negri niger Niger nigg'r nigre reign Reign renig re-nig ringe

31 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

binger Binger dinger Dinger finger Finger ganger Ganger gigger Ginder Gingee ginges ginner Ginter gynger hinger linger Linger minger Minger pinger ringer Ringer singer Singer tinger winger Winger Yinger zinger Zinger

2 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

Giger ginge

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