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The word grain is in the Wiktionary

69 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • grain n. (Uncountable) The harvested seeds of various grass food crops eg: wheat, corn, barley.
  • grain n. (Uncountable) Similar seeds from any food crop, e.g., buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa.
  • grain n. (Countable) A single seed of grass food crops.
  • grain n. (Countable, uncountable) The crops from which grain is harvested.
  • grain n. (Uncountable) A linear texture of a material or surface.
  • grain n. (Countable) A single particle of a substance.
  • grain n. (Countable) Any of various small units of mass originally notionally based on grain’s weight, variously…
  • grain n. (Countable, chiefly historical) Any of various small units of length originally notionally based on…
  • grain n. (Countable, historical) The carat grain of 14 carat as a measure of gold purity, creating a 96-point…
  • grain n. (Materials) A region within a material having a single crystal structure or direction.
  • grain n. (Astronautics) The solid piece of fuel in an individual solid-fuel rocket engine.
  • grain n. A reddish dye made from the coccus insect, or kermes; hence, a red color of any tint or hue, as crimson…
  • grain n. The hair side of a piece of leather, or the marking on that side.
  • grain n. (In the plural) The remains of grain, etc., after brewing or distillation; hence, any residuum. Also called draff.
  • grain n. (Botany) A rounded prominence on the back of a sepal, as in the common dock.
  • grain n. Temper; natural disposition; inclination.
  • grain n. (Photography, videography) Visual texture in processed photographic film due to the presence of small…
  • grain v. To feed grain to.
  • grain v. (Transitive) To make granular; to form into grains.
  • grain v. (Intransitive) To form grains, or to assume a granular form, as the result of crystallization; to granulate.
  • grain v. To texture a surface in imitation of the grain of a substance such as wood.
  • grain v. (Tanning) To remove the hair or fat from a skin.
  • grain v. (Tanning) To soften leather.
  • grain v. To yield fruit.
  • grain n. A branch of a tree; a stalk or stem of a plant.
  • grain n. A tine, prong, or fork.
  • grain n. (Founding) A thin piece of metal, used in a mould to steady a core.
  • Grain prop.n. A village on the Isle of Grain, Medway borough, Kent, England (OS grid ref TQ8876).
  • Grain prop.n. A surname.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Irish
    • gráin n. Hatred (strong aversion), detestation, abhorrence.
    • gráin n. Ugliness, disfigurement.
    • gráin n. Hatefulness, loathsomeness.
    • gráin n. Fearfulness, terror; ugly appearance.
  • Middle english
    • grain v. Alternative form of greynen.
  • Old french
    • grain n. Grain (edible part of a cereal plant).
  • Saterland frisian
  • Scots
    • grain n. (Of a tree) A branch or bough.
    • grain n. (Of a plant) A stalk.
    • grain n. (Of a fork or trident) A prong.
    • grain n. An offshoot, branch, or member of anything.
    • grain n. (Of a cross) An arm.
    • grain n. (Of a family or surname) A branch.
    • grain n. A branch of a stream; the arm of a loch.
  • Scottish gaelic
    • gràin n. Hate, hatred, disgust.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • grain n. Korrel.
  • grain n. Graan.
— English words, defined in French —
  • grain n. Grain.
  • grain n. Unité de mesure du poids (système impérial britannique).
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • grain s. Grano.
  • grain s. Cereal.
  • grain s. Veteado.
— In French —
  • grain n.m. Fruit et semence des céréales contenu dans l’épi.
  • grain n.m. Ce qu’on sème pour la reproduction des céréales.
  • grain n.m. (Par analogie) Fruit de certaines plantes et de certains arbrisseaux.
  • grain n.m. (La Réunion) (Par analogie) Sous les tropiques, désigne…
  • grain n.m. (Par analogie) Petit objet de la taille d’une graine.
  • grain n.m. (Par analogie) Chose faite à peu près en forme de grain.
  • grain n.m. (Sens figuré) Très petite quantité de quelque chose.
  • grain n.m. (Métrologie) (Vieilli) Poids qui était le soixante-douzième…
  • grain n.m. (Bijouterie) Unité de mesure de poids valant cinq centigrammes…
  • grain n.m. (Par analogie) Petites aspérités présentes à la surface…
  • grain n.m. (Par extension) La texture visuelle ou au toucher d’un…
  • grain n.m. (Physique) Petit élément homogène ou monocristallin dans…
  • grain n.m. (Par extension) Plus petit détail visible d’un tirage photographique…
  • grain n.m. (Marine, Météorologie) Vent violent et de peu de durée…
  • grain n.m. (Cartographie) Élément graphique de très faible surface…
  • grain n.m. (Cartographie) Aspect d’une image résultant de son fractionnement…
  • grain adv. (Désuet) Pas. Utilisé avec ne pour négation.
  • Grain n.fam. Nom de famille.
197 English words from 44 English definitions

abhorrence after Also Alternative amaranth any anything appearance arm as␣in assume Astronautics aversion back barley based based␣on borough Botany bough branch brewing buckwheat called carat cereal chiefly coccus color common core corn Countable creating crimson crop crops cross crystal crystallization detestation direction disfigurement disgust disposition distillation dock draff due due␣to dye edible engine England etc family fat Fearfulness feed feed␣grain film food food␣crop food␣crops fork form Founding from fruit fuel gold grain grains granular granulate grass Green grid hair harvested Hate Hatefulness hatred having hence historical hue imitation inclination individual insect into Intransitive Isle Isle␣of␣Grain Kent kermes leather length linear loathsomeness loch made make marking mass material Materials measure Medway member metal mould natural notionally of␣a of␣a␣piece offshoot on␣the on␣the␣back␣of originally part particle photographic Photography piece plant plural point presence processed prominence prong purity quinoa red reddish ref region remains remove residuum result rocket rocket␣engine rounded seed seeds sepal side Similar single single␣crystal skin small soften solid stalk steady stem stream strong structure substance such such␣as surface surname Tanning Temper terror texture that the thin tine tint to␣the Transitive tree trident Ugliness ugly uncountable units used various variously videography village Visual weight wheat which within wood yield

41 English words from 25 foreign definitions

à␣la Aspect Bijouterie centigrammes Cereal chose cinq dans des extension forme Fruit grain Grano image les Marine Nom objet Par Pas petit petite Petites Physique Plus poids pour reproduction Réunion Sens son Sous surface taille texture tirage toucher Vent violent visible

68 foreign words from 25 foreign definitions

analogie à␣peu␣près arbrisseaux aspérités avec britannique Cartographie céréales certaines certains contenu de␣la désigne Désuet détail douzième durée élément Élément␣graphique en␣forme␣de épi était et␣de faible faite famille figuré fractionnement Graan graine graphique homogène impérial Korrel La␣Réunion mesure Météorologie Métrologie monocristallin négation Nom␣de␣famille Par␣extension peu photographique plantes près présentes quantité quantité␣de quelque quelque␣chose qui résultant sème semence Sens␣figuré soixante système très tropiques une Unité Unité␣de␣mesure Utilisé valant Veteado Vieilli visuelle

64 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

grains grainy grained grainer graines grainage grainers Grainger grainier grainily graining grainages grain␣corn grainfall grainflow grainiest grainings grain␣itch grainland grainless grainlike grainline grain␣moon grainsize grain␣size Grain␣Coast grainfield graininess grainlands grainlines grain␣moons grain␣physa grainsizes grain␣sizes grainstone grainyhead grain␣beetle grainfields grain␣physae grain␣physas grainstones grain␣weevil grain␣whisky grain␣beetles graininesses grain␣of␣truth grain␣refiner grain␣weevils grain␣whiskey grain␣boundary +14 words

90 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Igraine Ygraine engrains ingrains migraine ungrainy engrained engrainer ingrained ingrainer migraines nongrains nongrainy subgrains ungrained engrainers engraining feedgrains feed␣grains filigrains foodgrains grosgrains ingrainers ingraining migraineur migrainoid migrainous nanograins overgrains snow␣grains troy␣grains woodgrains amigrainous Cassegrains finegrained fine-grained grosgrained hard-grained ingrainedly kefir␣grains micrograins migraineurs multigrains nanograined nonmigraine overgrained overgrainer supergrains uningrained wholegrains +40 words

47 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

engrain ingrain end␣grain milgrain nongrain ring␣rain subgrain feedgrain feed␣grain felt␣grain filigrain foodgrain grip␣grain grosgrain nanograin overgrain seed␣grain softgrain soft-grain troy␣grain woodgrain Cassegrain grips␣grain intergrain intragrain kefir␣grain micrograin multigrain petitgrain supergrain Tornagrain wholegrain whole-grain whole␣grain driving␣rain Isle␣of␣Grain pollen␣grain pseudograin puffed␣grain silver-grain silver␣grain ancient␣grain freezing␣rain gripped␣grain gripping␣grain against␣the␣grain go␣against␣the␣grain

9 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

Ain AIN ain' Gra rai Rai raï rain Rain

7 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

arg ARG Arg. IAR nia Nia NIA

10 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

agrin A␣ring IgNAR Ngari nigra Nigra Ragin raign raing Rigan

112 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

agarin agrins agrion agurin Aigner airgun air-gun air␣gun airing Angier Angria anigre arbing arcing Arenig arguin' Arigna A␣rings arming arring arsing baring Baring caring Cragin Crigan Dargin daring drag␣in earing faring gainer Gainer Gainor Garčin Gardin Garian Gartin Garvin Gearin Gibran Girona Girvan gliran gradin gräfin grains granin gratin gringa +62 words

58 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

agin Agin ag'in Agni agri Ağrı agri- a-␣-ing airn Angi angi- Arin ARIN ARNG arni gain Gain gain- Gair gari garn gina Gina girn gnar gran Gran grin grna gRNA inga Inga Iran Irân Irān Îrân Īrān Nagi naig Nair narg NARG Ngai NGIA NGRI NIRA ragi rain Rain rang rani Rani Rian Riga Rina ring Ring RNAi

15 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

brain Brain Crain drain Drain frain Frain Grahn grail GRAIL Graun Grein groin train Train

8 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

gain Gain gain- gran Gran grin rain Rain

5 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

gradin gräfin granin gratin grazin'

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