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The word grand is in the Wiktionary

66 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • grand adj. (Augmentative) Large, senior (high-ranking), intense, extreme, or exceptional.
  • grand adj. (Usually in compound forms) Standing in the second or some more remote degree of parentage or descent (see grand-).
  • grand adj. (Ireland, Northern England, colloquial, otherwise dated) Fine; lovely.
  • grand adj. (Music) Containing all the parts proper to a given form of composition.
  • grand n. (Plural "grand") A thousand of some unit of currency, such as dollars or pounds. (Compare G.)
  • grand n. (Music, plural "grands") A grand piano.
  • grand n. A grandparent or grandchild.
  • Grand prop.n. A placename.
  • Grand prop.n. (Countable) A surname.
  • grand- pref. Of a generation removed from the original noun.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Bourguignon
  • Friulian
    • grand adj. Alternative form of grant.
  • Icelandic
    • grand n. (Higher register, uncommon) damage, harm, destruction.
    • grand n. (Card games) absence of trump cards/suits; no-trump.
    • grand adj. (Colloquial) grandiose, splashy, impressive.
  • Lombard - Occitan
  • Luxembourgish
    • Grand n. Grumpiness, morosity.
  • Middle french
  • Norman
  • Polish
    • grand n. Grandee (high-ranking Spanish nobleman).
    • grand n. Genitive plural of granda.
  • Romagnol
  • Romansch
    • grand adj. (Puter) big, large.
    • grand adj. (Puter) tall.
    • grànd adj. (Sutsilvan) big, large.
    • grànd adj. (Sutsilvan) tall.
  • Swedish
    • grand n. A mote, a speck, something very small and unimportant.
    • gränd n. An alley, a narrow street.
  • Walloon
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • grand bijv. Groot, groots, imposant, voornaam.
  • grand bijv. Fijn.
— English words, defined in French —
  • grand adj. Grandiose, magnifique.
  • grand adj. Grand.
  • grand n. Mille livres ou mille dollars.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • grand adj. Grande.
  • grand s. Mil dólares.
  • grand s. Mil libras.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • grand agg. Grande, grandioso, superbo.
  • grand agg. Imponente, grandioso.
  • grand agg. Esagerato, sproporzionato.
  • grand agg. Meraviglioso, stupendo, fantastico.
— In French —
  • grand adj. De hauteur importante.
  • grand adj. (Par analogie) De taille, longueur, volume, durée, etc…
  • grand adj. (En particulier) En parlant d’un enfant, d’un adolescent…
  • grand adj. Qui a grandi.
  • grand adj. En grande quantité.
  • grand adj. (Par extension) (Familier) Beaucoup de. Note d’usage…
  • grand adj. Extrême ; lointain.
  • grand adj. (Typographie) Majuscule.
  • grand adj. (Sens figuré) (Grand + un nom de lettre) Notable et représentatif.
  • grand adj. (Sens figuré) Célèbre, doté d’une réputation positive…
  • grand adj. (En particulier) Surnom de personnages illustres, héroïques…
  • grand adj. Utilisé pour former des locutions honorifiques.
  • grand n.m. Chose de taille, volume, etc. importante. Par comparaison…
  • grand n.m. Personne plus âgée.
  • grand n.m. Personne qui appartient à une élite, par sa naissance…
  • grand n.m. (Noblesse) Noble.
  • grand n.m. Vaste plan, vue générale et complète.
  • grand adv. Grandement, largement.
  • grand adv. En considérant une certaine taille, si petite soit-elle.
  • Grand n.prop. (Géographie) Commune française, située dans le département…
  • Grand n.fam. Nom de famille.
  • grand- préf. (Généalogie) Préfixe indiquant que la relation de parenté…
  • grand- préf.m. Préfixe indiquant la grandeur, la prééminence ou la supériorité.
  • grand’ adj.f. (Vieilli) Variante de grande utilisée dans quelques cas…
107 English words from 30 English definitions

absence all alley Alternative and A␣thousand Augmentative big Card Card␣games cards colloquial Compare composition compound Containing Countable currency damage dated degree descent destruction dollars England exceptional extreme Fine form forms from games generation Genitive given grand- granda grandchild Grandee grandiose grandparent grand␣piano grands grant Grumpiness Guernsey harm high Higher high-ranking impressive intense Ireland Jersey large lovely more morosity mote Music narrow nobleman Northern no-trump noun Of␣a original otherwise parentage parts piano placename plural pounds proper Puter ranking register remote removed second see senior small some some␣more something Spanish speck splashy Standing Standing␣in street such such␣as suits surname tall the thousand trump trump␣cards uncommon unimportant unit Usually very

47 English words from 36 foreign definitions

adolescent Beaucoup cas certaine Chose Commune dans département des dollars élite etc extension fantastico former Grand grande grandeur Grandiose grandioso Groot hauteur lettre libras livres locutions longueur Majuscule Mil Noble Noblesse nom Notable Note par petite plan plus positive pour que relation Sens superbo taille usage volume

1 foreign word from 30 English definitions


72 foreign words from 36 foreign definitions

âgée analogie appartient Beaucoup␣de Célèbre comparaison complète considérant de␣taille dólares doté durée elle enfant En␣grande En␣particulier Esagerato Extrême Familier famille figuré Fijn française Généalogie générale Géographie Grandement grandi groots héroïques honorifiques illustres Imponente importante imposant indiquant largement lointain magnifique Meraviglioso mille naissance Nom␣de␣famille parenté Par␣extension parlant particulier personnages Personne prééminence Préfixe quantité quelques qui représentatif réputation Sens␣figuré située soit sproporzionato stupendo supériorité Surnom Typographie une Utilisé utilisée Variante Vaste Vieilli voornaam vue

512 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

granda Granda grand␣C grande Grande grands grandy Grandy grandad grandam grandas Grandas grand␣Cs grandee grander Grandes grandly grandma grandog Grandon grandpa Grandys grandads grandala grandame grandams grandbig grandboy grandcat Grand␣Cay grand␣cru granddad granddam granddog grandees grandest Grand␣Est grandeur grandfer grand␣feu grandies grandity grandkid grand␣mal grandmas grandmaw grandmom grandmum Grandons grandpap +462 words

178 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

El␣Grande La␣Grande Legrande Legrands agrandize Legrandes Rio␣Grande aggrandise aggrandize baby␣grands Giangrande integrands legrandite aggrandised aggrandiser aggrandises aggrandized aggrandizer aggrandizes Campo␣Grande Giangrandes great-grands ungrandiose aggrandisers aggrandising aggrandizers aggrandizest aggrandizeth aggrandizing Arroyo␣Grande Diablo␣Grande Gaspar␣Grande great-grandma great-grandpa paragrandine Sangre␣Grande stepgrandson aggrandizable co-grandfather co-grandmother co-grandparent concert␣grands great-grandkid great␣grandkid great-grandmas great-grandpas greatgrandson great-grandson great␣grandson paragrandines +128 words

12 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Legrand Le␣Grand ungrand Lengrand baby␣grand integrand semigrand great-grand supergrand concert␣grand Achiet-le-Grand Crèvecœur-le-Grand

13 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

and AND -and and- Gra gran Gran ran Ran RAN rand Rand RAND

9 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

arg ARG Arg. dna DNA DNAR Nar narg NARG

One anagram (New word found by changing the order of the letters.)


42 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

argand Argand Dagorn danger Dargan Dargin daring Dorgan drag␣in DRAGNs dragon Dragon drag␣on Dragun durgan Durgan gander Gander Garand garden Garden Gardin gardon garned Gordan Graden gradin Gradon granda Granda grand␣C grande Grande grands grandy Grandy graned nadger ngardu Nygard radgin ranged

35 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

andr- ARNG dAGN DAGN dang Dang darg darn DNAR DNRA drag gard Gard garn gdna gDNA gnar grad Grad gran Gran grna gRNA nard Nard narg NARG NDGA N.D.␣Ga. rand Rand RAND rang rdna rDNA

16 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

brand Brand FRAND gland Gland goand grana grane grano Grano grans Grans grant Grant grind Krand

7 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

grad Grad gran Gran rand Rand RAND

2 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

Garand graned

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