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The word greifstan is a foreign word

1 short excerpt of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— In German —
  • greifst␣an V. 2. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv der Hauptsatzkonjugation…
3 English words from the foreign definition

der Person Singular

3 foreign words from the foreign definition

Aktiv Indikativ Präsens

22 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

FST gre GRE ifs IFs IFS rei reif sta Sta STA Sta. stan Stan 'stan -stan stan' 'Stan -Stan tan Tan TAN

21 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ats ATs ATS at's ATSF AT&SF erg ERG -erg- fie fier Fier -fier -ier nat Nat NAT Nat. nats Nats NATs

2 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

afterings aftersign

18 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

afterlings aftersigns falterings fatfingers fat-fingers fat␣fingers Fatzingers featurings figurantes foregainst Fort␣Gaines fretsawing gainstrife ingrafters night␣fears prefasting rafterings restaffing

32 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

angriest angrites angstier astringe engrafts fainters fartings fastinge Fearings feasting fine␣arts fire␣ants fragnets Freitags frigates fringest ganister gantries granites inert␣gas ingrafts ingrates rangiest reasting Stanifer stearing strafing Tangiers tasering Tasering tearings Tigranes

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