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The word handle is in the Wiktionary

75 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • handle n. The part of an object which is (designed to be) held in the hand when used or moved.
  • handle n. An instrument for effecting a purpose (either literally or figuratively); a tool, or an opportunity or pretext.
  • handle n. (Gambling) The gross amount of wagering within a given period of time or for a given event at one of…
  • handle n. (Textiles) The tactile qualities of a fabric, e.g., softness, firmness, elasticity, fineness, resilience…
  • handle n. (Slang) A name, nickname or pseudonym.
  • handle n. (Slang) A title attached to one’s name, such as Doctor or Colonel.
  • handle n. (Computing) A reference to an object or structure that can be stored in a variable.
  • handle n. (Australia, chiefly Northern Territory, New Zealand) A 10 fluid ounce (285 mL) glass of beer.
  • handle n. (US) A half-gallon (1.75-liter) bottle of alcohol.
  • handle n. (Geography, Newfoundland and Labrador, rare) A point, an extremity of land.
  • handle n. (Topology) A topological space homeomorphic to a ball but viewed as a product of two lower-dimensional balls.
  • handle n. (Algebraic geometry) The smooth, irreducible subcurve of a comb which connects to each of the other…
  • handle v. (Transitive) To touch; to feel or hold with the hand(s).
  • handle v. (Transitive, rare) To accustom to the hand; to take care of with the hands.
  • handle v. (Transitive) To manage, use, or wield with the hands.
  • handle v. (Transitive) To manage, control, or direct.
  • handle v. (Transitive) To treat, to deal with (in a specified way).
  • handle v. (Transitive) To deal with (a subject, argument, topic, or theme) in speaking, in writing, or in art.
  • handle v. (Transitive) To receive and transfer; to have pass through one’s hands; hence, to buy and sell.
  • handle v. (Transitive, rare) To be concerned with; to be an expert in.
  • handle v. (Transitive) To put up with; to endure (and continue to function).
  • handle v. (Intransitive) To use the hands.
  • handle v. (Soccer, intransitive) To illegally touch the ball with the hand or arm; to commit handball.
  • handle v. (Intransitive) To behave in a particular way when handled (managed, controlled, directed).
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Alemannic german
    • handle v. (Uri) to stroke the teats of a dairy cow until they fill with milk.
  • Danish
  • Norwegian bokmål - Norwegian nynorsk
    • handle v. To act (do something).
    • handle v. To deal, trade, to do business.
    • handle v. To shop (visit shops).
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • handle n. Handvat, knop.
  • handle w. Hanteren, aanpakken, met iets omgaan.
— English words, defined in French —
  • handle n. Poignée (pour prendre quelque chose).
  • handle n. Manche (d’un outil, d’un équipement).
  • handle n. Barre de manœuvre (D’un chariot, par ex.). Autres sens particuliers : tirette, levier, manette, anse…
  • handle n. Dans le cas particulier d’une charrue : mancheron.
  • handle n. (Courses hippiques, jeux de hasard et d’argent) Les paris : la totalité des sommes pariées sur une course…
  • handle n. (Informatique) Poignée : petit rectangle qui peut apparaître à l’un des angles ou sur un côté d’un cadre…
  • handle n. (Informatique) Indicateur : Code, souvent numérique, utilisé par le système d’exploitation pour identifier…
  • handle n. (Informatique) Indicatif (D’un clavardeur, par ex.), pseudonyme. Sens emprunté au langage des télécommunications.
  • handle n. (Lutte sportive) Point de saisie.
  • handle n. (Métrologie) (Australie) (Nouvelle-Zélande) Un verre de bière de 10 onces (285 mL), surtout dans le…
  • handle n. (Métrologie) (États-Unis) Une bouteille d’alcool d’un demi-gallon (environ 1,75 L).
  • handle n. (Physique atomique) Tête de préhension, en nanomanipulation.
  • handle n. (Télécommunications) Indicatif (D’un radioamateur, par ex.), pseudonyme.
  • handle n. (Textile) Main (d’un tissu, d’une étoffe) : Se dit, de manière souvent subjective, de la sensation d’épaisseur…
  • handle n. (Topologie) Anse.
  • handle n. (Toponymie) (Terreneuve-et-Labrador) (Rare) Pointe.
  • handle v. Traiter, gérer.
  • handle v. Manier, manœuvrer.
  • handle v. Tâter, manipuler.
  • handle v. (Informatique) Traiter, gérer une exception : Agir immédiatement à la suite d’une exception. Terme et…
  • handle v. (Navigation) Gouverner (un petit navire), barrer (une embarcation), manœuvrer.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • handle s. Manija, mango, asa.
  • handle s. Pomo de la puerta, picaporte.
  • handle s. El nombre de una persona, o su sobrenombre.
  • handle s. La cantidad total de dinero gastada o manejada en un proyecto, periodo, etcétera.
  • handle v. Manejar, manipular.
  • handle v. Tratar.
  • handle v. Comerciar con.
  • handle v. Desempeñarse, cuando es manejado o conducido.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • handle s. (Informática) alça.
  • handle v. Manipular, operar (uma máquina).
  • handle v. Tratar.
  • handle v. Manusear.
  • handle v. Lidar com.
  • handle v. Segurar-se (conter-se), controlar-se.
  • handle v. Lidar com.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • handle s. Gambo, orecchia, maniglia.
  • handle s. Gestire, toccare, maneggiare.
  • handle s. (Economia) (commercio) vendere.
— In German —
  • handle V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs handeln.
  • handle V. 1. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs handeln.
  • handle V. 1. Person Singular Konjunktiv I Präsens Aktiv des Verbs handeln.
  • handle V. 3. Person Singular Konjunktiv I Präsens Aktiv des Verbs handeln.
188 English words from 30 English definitions

accustom act alcohol Algebraic Algebraic␣geometry amount and argument arm art at␣one attached Australia ball balls beer behave bottle business but buy can care care␣of chiefly Colonel comb commit Computing concerned connects continue control controlled cow dairy dairy␣cow deal deal␣with designed dimensional direct directed do␣business Doctor each effecting either elasticity endure event expert extremity fabric feel figuratively fill fineness firmness fluid fluid␣ounce for function gallon Gambling Geography geometry given glass gross half hand handball handled hands have held hence hold homeomorphic illegally instrument in␣the␣hand intransitive in␣writing irreducible Labrador land liter literally lower manage managed milk moved name New Newfoundland New␣Zealand nickname Northern Northern␣Territory object of␣a of␣an one opportunity other ounce part particular pass pass␣through period period␣of␣time point pretext product pseudonym purpose put put␣up put␣up␣with qualities rare receive reference resilience sell shop shops Slang smooth Soccer softness something space speaking specified stored stroke structure subcurve subject such such␣as tactile take take␣care take␣care␣of teats Territory Textiles that the theme they through time title tool topic topological topological␣space Topology to␣the touch trade transfer Transitive treat two until Uri use used variable viewed visit wagering way when which wield with within writing Zealand

66 English words from 45 foreign definitions

à␣la alcool angles Anse argent Barre barrer cadre cas chariot chose Code com con course Courses dans demi des dit embarcation environ exception exploitation gallon Gambo identifier knop Labrador Les levier Lidar Main Manche mancheron mango manipular manœuvre manœuvrer met nanomanipulation Navigation onces par periodo Person persona petit Physique Point Pointe Pomo pour Rare rectangle sens sensation Singular sportive subjective suite surtout Textile total Unis Verbs

124 foreign words from 45 foreign definitions

aanpakken Agir Aktiv à␣la␣suite alça anse apparaître asa atomique Australie Autres bière bouteille cantidad cas␣particulier charrue clavardeur Comerciar commercio conducido conter controlar côté Courses␣hippiques cuando de␣la de␣manière Desempeñarse dinero Economia emprunté épaisseur équipement États États-Unis etcétera étoffe gastada gérer Gouverner handeln Handvat Hanteren hasard hippiques iets immédiatement Imperativ Indicateur Indicatif Indikativ Informática Informatique jeux jeux␣de␣hasard Konjunktiv Konjunktiv␣I langage l’un Lutte manejada manejado Manejar manette Manier manière maniglia Manija manipuler Manusear máquina Métrologie navire nombre nombre␣de Nouvelle Nouvelle-Zélande numérique omgaan operar orecchia outil pariées paris particulier particuliers peut picaporte Poignée Präsens préhension prendre proyecto pseudonyme puerta quelque quelque␣chose qui radioamateur saisie Segurar sobrenombre sommes souvent sur système système␣d’exploitation Tâter télécommunications Terme Tête tirette tissu Topologie Toponymie totalité Traiter Tratar uma una une utilisé verre Zélande

34 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

handled handler Handler handles Handley handlers Handlers handless handlest handleth Handleys handlebar handleable handleably handlebars handlebody handleless handlesome handlebodies handlessness handleability handle␣oneself handled␣the␣ball handlelessness handleabilities handlebar␣mustache handlebar␣moustache handlebar␣mustaches handlebar␣moustaches handle␣with␣kid␣gloves handle␣without␣gloves handled␣with␣kid␣gloves handles␣with␣kid␣gloves handle␣without␣mittens

112 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

chandler Chandler Shandley axhandles behandled behandles chandlers Chandlers chandlery Oxhandler rehandled rehandler rehandles unhandled art␣handler axehandles chandlerly dog␣handler Fichandler gunhandler jughandles manhandled manhandles mishandled mishandler mishandles mophandles outhandled outhandles panhandled panhandler panhandles rehandlers art␣handlers ballhandler Chandlerese chandleress Chandlerian chandleries chandlering Chandlerish Chandlerism dog␣handlers doorhandles door␣handles Fichandlers filehandles file␣handles grab␣handles gunhandlers +62 words

43 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

axhandle behandle rehandle axehandle jughandle manhandle man-handle mishandle mophandle outhandle panhandle Panhandle doorhandle door␣handle filehandle file␣handle grab␣handle jackhandle long␣handle lovehandle love␣handle overhandle cross␣handle stickhandle swing␣handle womanhandle woman-handle coffin␣handle ladder␣handle pseudohandle car␣door␣handle crank␣the␣handle dead␣man's␣handle starting␣handle cranks␣the␣handle fly␣off␣the␣handle Alaskan␣Panhandle cranked␣the␣handle flew␣off␣the␣handle cranking␣the␣handle flies␣off␣the␣handle flown␣off␣the␣handle flying␣off␣the␣handle

11 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

and AND -and and- DLE han Han hand Hand HAND ndl

7 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

dna DNA eld 'eld nah NAH Nah.

2 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Dahlen Handel

24 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

anheled Dahlens Delhian Engdahl Haldane hand␣gel handled handler Handler handles Handley handsel healand healend hedonal Hegland Heldman Helfand Helland Helmand inhaled lanched landeth Lenhard

24 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

Ahlen Alden Andel Dahle Dalen Deahl eland Eland Haden haled Halen hande Hanel heald Heald Helan laden lande laned lean'd Lehan Nadel naled Nelda

12 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

bandle candle dandle handie handly hangle hantle Hindle Randle wandle Wandle Yandle

One lipogram (New word found when removing only one letter.)


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