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The word hanks is in the Wiktionary

6 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • hanks n. Plural of hank.
  • Hanks prop.n. A surname originating as a patronymic.
  • Hanks prop.n. An unincorporated community in Williams County, North Dakota, United States.
  • Hanks prop.n. Plural of Hank.
— English word, defined in German —
  • hanks V. Plural des Substantivs hank.
— English word, defined in French —
  • hanks n. Pluriel de hank.
16 English words from 4 English definitions

community County Dakota hank North North␣Dakota originating patronymic Plural States surname unincorporated United United␣States Williams Williams␣County

3 English words from 2 foreign definitions

des hank Plural

2 foreign words from 2 foreign definitions

Pluriel Substantivs

One suffix (New word found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)


53 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

thanksh shanks␣it thanks␣be thanks␣to shanks'␣nag thanks␣God thanksies Thanksmas thanksome kthanksbye no␣thanks␣to shank's␣mare shanks'␣mare shanks'␣nags shanks'␣pony thanks␣a␣lot thanks␣a␣ton thanksgave thanksgive shanks'␣mares thanks␣a␣heap thanksgiven thanksgiver thanksgives Thanksgivin' Thanksmases thanks␣a␣bunch thank␣science thanksgivers thanksgiving Thanksgiving thanksgivings Thanksgivingy Thanksgivukah ride␣shank's␣mare thanks␣a␣million Thanksgivukkah thanks␣for␣coming Thanksgiving␣Day thanks␣in␣advance anti-Thanksgiving thanks␣for␣nothing Thanksgiving␣Days Thanksgivingtide Happy␣Thanksgiving thanks,␣but␣no␣thanks thanks␣for␣your␣help Thanksgivingtides Yankee␣Thanksgiving American␣Thanksgiving Canadian␣Thanksgiving Thanksgiving␣Thursday Thanksgiving␣Thursdays

36 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

chanks shanks Shanks thanks whanks Schanks bethanks no␣thanks no,␣thanks rethanks unthanks bit␣shanks catshanks dogshanks ham␣shanks midshanks outthanks redshanks foreshanks longshanks many␣thanks pickthanks spotshanks Cruikshanks greenshanks scrimshanks sheepshanks skrimshanks Cruickshanks velvet␣shanks vote␣of␣thanks yellowshanks spindleshanks votes␣of␣thanks spotted␣redshanks thanks,␣but␣no␣thanks

5 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

han Han hank Hank NKs

3 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

nah NAH Nah.

5 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

ankhs khans Naskh shank Shank

42 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

akhnis ankhus ankush Ashkun chanks Hanaks Hankes Hankos hanoks Haskin Kahans Kandhs Kansuh Kashan khaens khanas Khangs Kinsha Kin-sha Kin␣Sha Klahns Kohans Krahns Kushan Ku-shan nakhes Nasakh Nashik Naskhi nikahs Sakhno sankha Schank shadkn shaken shakin' shanks Shanks shrank Skehan thanks whanks

27 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

akhs ankh Haks hank Hank Hans HANS hask HNAs HSAN Kahn kans Kans. Kash Kash. khan Khan Khas Nakh naks nash Nash NASH sank Shak shan Shan

42 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

banks Banks danks fanks ganks hacks haiks hands Hands Hanes hangs Hangs Hanke Hanko hanky Hanns hants Hants ha'nts harks hasks hawks Hawks hayks Henks hinks Hinks honks hunks lanks Lanks manks Manks nanks panks Panks ranks sanks tanks wanks yanks Yanks

5 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

Haks hank Hank Hans HANS

4 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

Hanaks Hankes Hankos hanoks

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