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The word harp is in the Wiktionary

33 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • harp n. (Music) A musical instrument consisting of a body and a curved neck, strung with strings of varying…
  • harp n. (Colloquial) A harmonica.
  • harp n. (Scotland) A grain sieve.
  • harp n. Short for harp seal.
  • harp v. (Usually with on) To repeatedly mention a subject.
  • harp v. (Transitive) To play on (a harp or similar instrument).
  • harp v. (Transitive) To play (a tune) on the harp.
  • harp v. (Transitive, archaic) To develop or give expression to by skill and art; to sound forth as from a harp; to hit upon.
  • Harp prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation for a player of the harp.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Turkish
    • harp n. (Archaic) war.
  • Turkmen
    • harp n. Letter (of an alphabet).
  • Westrobothnian
    • härp n. (Intransitive) feel tight, be stiff, rigid.
— English words, defined in German —
  • harp V. Veraltet: auf einer Harfe spielen.
  • harp V. Auf etwas herumreiten.
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • harp n. (Muziekinstrument) harp.
— English words, defined in French —
  • harp n. (Musique) Harpe.
  • harp n. (Musique) (Par extension) Tout instrument ressemblant à une harpe.
  • harp n. (Musique) (Familier) Harmonica.
  • harp n. (Héraldique) Harpe (figure).
  • harp n. (Écosse) (Cuisine) Passoire.
  • harp v. Mentionner un sujet de manière répétitive. Note d’usage : généralement suivi de on.
  • harp v. Jouer une mélodie à la harpe.
  • harp v. (Par extension) Jouer de la harpe ou un instrument similaire.
  • harp v. (Archaïsme) Développer ou exprimer par habileté et art ; sonner comme une harpe ; frapper.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • harp s. Arpa.
  • harp s. Armónica.
  • harp s. Criba para granos.
  • harp v. Tocar un arpa o instrumento similar.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • harp s. Arpa.
— In Dutch —
  • harp n. (Muziekinstrument) een instrument met een driehoekige vorm…
  • harp w. Eerste persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van harpen.
  • harp w. Gebiedende wijs van harpen.
  • harp w. (Bij inversie) tweede persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van harpen.
62 English words from 12 English definitions

alphabet and archaic art body Colloquial consisting consisting␣of curved develop expression feel for forth from give grain harmonica harp harp␣seal hit hit␣upon instrument Intransitive Letter mention Music musical musical␣instrument neck occupation of␣a of␣an on␣the originating play player play␣on repeatedly rigid Scotland seal Short Short␣for sieve similar skill sound stiff strings strung subject surname the tight Transitive tune upon Usually varying war with

20 English words from 21 foreign definitions

à␣la art auf Cuisine een extension figure Harmonica harp harpe instrument met Musique Note par para similar Tout usage van

53 foreign words from 21 foreign definitions

Archaïsme Armónica arpa Bij comme Criba de␣la de␣manière Développer d’usage Écosse Eerste Eerste␣persoon einer enkelvoud etwas exprimer Familier frapper Gebiedende Gebiedende␣wijs généralement granos habileté Harfe harpen Héraldique instrumento inversie Jouer manière mélodie Mentionner Muziekinstrument Par␣extension Passoire persoon répétitive ressemblant similaire sonner spielen suivi sujet tegenwoordige␣tijd tijd Tocar tweede tweede␣persoon une Veraltet vorm wijs

127 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

harpe Harpe harps Harps harpy harped Harpel harper Harper harpes Harpes harpid harpin harp␣on Harpur Harput Harpels harpers Harpham harpids harpies harping harpins harpist Harpole harpoon Harpses harps␣on harpagon harped␣on Harpford Harphams harpings harpists harpless harplike Harpoles harpoons harpress harp␣seal Harpster harpy␣bat harpyish harpagide harpagone harpagons harpaline Harpalyke Harpenden Harperite +77 words

298 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Charpy sharpe Sharpe sharps SHARPs sharp␣s sharpy Tharpe a-sharps A-sharps a␣sharps A␣sharps b-sharps B-sharps b␣sharps B␣sharps charpai charper charpie charpoy c-sharps C-sharps c␣sharps C␣sharps d-sharps D-sharps d␣sharps D␣sharps e-sharps E-sharps e␣sharps E␣sharps f-sharps F-sharps f␣sharps F␣sharps g-sharps G-sharps g␣sharps G␣sharps Kharput sharped shar-pei Shar␣Pei sharpen sharper Sharper Sharpey sharpie Sharpie +248 words

112 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

sharp Sharp SHARP Tharp wharp a-sharp A-sharp a␣sharp A␣sharp b-sharp B-sharp b␣sharp B␣sharp c-sharp C-sharp c␣sharp C␣sharp d-sharp D-sharp d␣sharp D␣sharp e-sharp E-sharp e␣sharp E␣sharp f-sharp F-sharp f␣sharp F␣sharp g-sharp G-sharp g␣sharp G␣sharp besharp bow␣harp jaw␣harp jew␣harp unsharp arch␣harp autoharp Coltharp jaws-harp Jaws-harp jaws␣harp Jaws'-harp jaw's␣harp jaws'␣harp Jaw's␣harp jewsharp jews-harp Jews-harp jews␣harp Jews␣harp jews'-harp Jew's-harp Jews'-harp jew's␣harp Jew's␣harp Jews'␣harp +53 words

5 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

arp Arp ARP har HAR

2 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

PRA rah

2 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)


42 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

amp-hr amp.␣hr. Aphra aroph graph -graph HAARP harpe Harpe harps Harps harpy hepar Oprah Orpah parch Phair phare pharm Pharm. pharo Pharo Pharr PHASR Phrae phrag Prahl prahm prahu ralph Ralph raphe sharp Sharp SHARP shrap Spahr Sphar Tharp thrap wharp zarph

35 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

AHP Ahr apr Apr APR Apr. arp Arp ARP hap HAP har HAR HPA hPR HPR HRA HRP pah PAH par Par PAR Pha PHA phr PRA rah rap Rap RAP RHA RPA RPH R.Ph.

44 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

AARP carp Carp CARP -carp Earp halp Hamp Happ Hara Harb hard Hard hare Hare Hari hark harl Harl harm haro Haro harr Harr hars HARs hart Hart HART Haru Harv Harz hasp herp jarp Karp larp LARP narp parp PARP tarp warp Zarp

8 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

arp Arp ARP hap HAP har HAR HRP

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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