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The word horse is in the Wiktionary

70 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • horse n. A hoofed mammal, Equus ferus caballus, often used throughout history for riding and draft work.
  • horse n. Equipment with legs.
  • horse n. (Nautical) Type of equipment.
  • horse n. (Mining) A mass of earthy matter, or rock of the same character as the wall rock, occurring in the course…
  • horse n. (Slang) The sedative, antidepressant, and anxiolytic drug morphine, chiefly when used illicitly.
  • horse n. (US) An informal variant of basketball in which players match shots made by their opponent(s), each…
  • horse n. (Uncountable) The flesh of a horse as an item of cuisine.
  • horse n. (Prison slang) A prison guard who smuggles contraband in or out for prisoners.
  • horse n. (Dated, slang, among students) A translation or other illegitimate aid in study or examination.
  • horse n. (Dated, slang, among students) Horseplay; tomfoolery.
  • horse v. (Intransitive) To frolic, to act mischievously. (Usually followed by "around".)
  • horse v. (Transitive) To play mischievous pranks on.
  • horse v. (Transitive) To provide with a horse; supply horses for.
  • horse v. (Obsolete) To get on horseback.
  • horse v. To sit astride of; to bestride.
  • horse v. (Of a male horse) To copulate with (a mare).
  • horse v. To take or carry on the back.
  • horse v. To place (someone) on the back of another person, or on a wooden horse, chair, etc., to be flogged or punished.
  • horse v. (Transitive) To pull, haul, or move (something) with great effort, like a horse would.
  • horse v. (Informal) To cram (food) quickly, indiscriminately or in great volume.
  • horse v. (Transitive, dated) To urge at work tyrannically.
  • horse v. (Intransitive, dated) To charge for work before it is finished.
  • horse n. (Uncountable, slang) Heroin (drug).
  • Horse prop.n. The seventh of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar.
  • HORSE n. A poker variant consisting of five different poker variants, with the rules changing from one variant…
  • HORSE n. Alternative spelling of horse (variant of basketball).
  • H-O-R-S-E n. Alternative spelling of horse (variant of basketball).
  • H.O.R.S.E. n. Alternative spelling of horse (variant of basketball).
  • H.O.R.S.E. n. Alternative spelling of HORSE (variant of poker).
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Middle english
    • horse n. Alternative form of hors.
    • horse adj. Alternative form of hos.
    • horse v. Alternative form of horsen (“to provide with a horse”).
  • Norwegian nynorsk
    • horse n. A mare.
    • horse n. (Derogatory) frivolous woman.
    • horse v. (Intransitive, of a stallion) to run around amongst the mares.
    • horse v. (Intransitive, of a man) to run around, chiefly drunkenly.
  • Scots
— English words, defined in German —
  • horse S. Hauspferd.
  • horse S. Zoologie: Tier der Familie der Pferde (Equidae).
  • horse S. Männliches Pferd: Hengst, Wallach.
  • horse S. Militär: Kavallerie.
  • horse S. Bock; Pferd im Turnsport.
  • horse S. Slang: Heroin.
  • horse V. Mit Pferden ausstatten, Pferde zur Verfügung stellen.
  • horse V. Etwas durch brutale Gewalt(einwirkung) bewegen / in Bewegung versetzen.
  • horse V. Pferdezucht: wenn eine Stute bereit ist aufzunehmen.
  • horse V. Auf dem Pferd sitzen, reiten.
  • horse V. Auf dem Rücken einer Person sitzen/ etwas auf dem Rücken einer Person tragen.
  • horse V. Löcher in eine Plattform schneiden, um einen Tritt zu befestigen.
  • horse V. Eine Person mit ausgelassenen Witzen traktieren.
  • horse V. Ausgelassen agieren (in einem Bühnenstück).
  • horse V. Seefahrt: ein Schiff kalfatern.
  • horse V. Seefahrt: einen Seemann unfair behandeln.
  • horse V. Vulgär: Sex/ Geschlechtsverkehr haben.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • horse n. (Onevenhoevigen) paard.
  • horse n. (Straattaal) heroïne.
— English words, defined in Latin —
  • horse n.subs. √ equus (-i, masc.) || Animal specie Equus caballus. Horse.
  • horse n.subs. (Sensu plurali) Equites.
  • horse n.subs. Genus machinae, plerumque cum quattuor cruribus, qui adhibita est res fulcire; saepe in iuncturis: clotheshorse…
— English words, defined in French —
  • horse n. (Zoologie) Cheval (animal).
  • horse n. (Héraldique) Cheval (figure).
  • horse n. (Familier) Au jeu d’échecs : cavalier.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • horse s. Zoología. Caballo, equino.
  • horse s. Equipo con patas, especialmente el caballo con arcos.
  • horse s. Caballería.
  • horse s. Morfina.
— English word, defined in Portuguese —
  • horse s. Cavalo.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • horse s. (Zoologia) cavallo.
  • horse s. Eroina.
  • horse s. (Araldica) cavallo.
170 English words from 37 English definitions

act aid Alternative among amongst and animals another antidepressant anxiolytic appear around astride at␣work back basketball before bestride calendar carry carry␣on chair changing character charge chiefly Chinese Chinese␣zodiac consisting consisting␣of contraband copulate course cram cuisine cycle dated Derogatory different draft drug drunkenly each earthy effort equipment etc examination finished five flesh flogged followed followed␣by food for form frivolous frolic from get get␣on great guard haul Heroin history hoofed horse horseback horsen Horseplay horses hos illegitimate illicitly indiscriminately informal Intransitive item legs like made male mammal man mare mares mass match matter Mining mischievous mischievously morphine move Nautical Obsolete occurring of␣a often one on␣the on␣the␣back␣of opponent other out person place play players poker pranks prison prisoners prison␣guard provide pull punished quickly related riding rock rules run run␣around same sedative seventh shots sit slang smuggles someone something spelling stallion students study supply take the their the␣same throughout tomfoolery to␣the Transitive translation Type tyrannically Uncountable urge used Usually variant variants volume wall when which who with woman wooden wooden␣horse work would year zodiac

29 English words from 33 foreign definitions

animal auf Bock cavalier Cheval clotheshorse con cum dem der Eine Equites est figure Genus Hengst Heroin Horse ist masc patas Person res Sex Slang specie Tier unfair Wallach

4 foreign words from 37 English definitions

caballus Equus ferus hors

82 foreign words from 33 foreign definitions

agieren Araldica arcos aufzunehmen Ausgelassen ausgelassenen ausstatten befestigen behandeln bereit bewegen Bewegung brutale Bühnenstück Caballería caballo caballus cavallo Cavalo durch échecs ein eine einem einen einer equino Equipo equus Eroina especialmente etwas Familie Familier Geschlechtsverkehr Gewalt haben Héraldique heroïne jeu jeu␣d’échecs kalfatern Kavallerie Löcher Männliches Militär mit Morfina Onevenhoevigen paard Pferd Pferde Pferden Pferdezucht Plattform plurali quattuor qui reiten Rücken saepe Schiff schneiden Seefahrt Seemann sitzen stellen Straattaal Stute tragen traktieren Tritt Tritt␣zu Turnsport Verfügung versetzen Vulgär wenn Witzen Zoología Zoologie zur

451 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

horsed horsen horses horsey Horsey horsely Horsely Horsens horseys Horseys horse␣ant horsebox horse␣box horse␣boy horse␣bus horsecar horse␣car horsedom horsefly horse-fly horse␣fly Horsehay horse␣hoe horselet horseman Horseman horsemen horsepox horse-pox horsesat horsesit horseway horseable horse␣ants horseback horseball horsebalm horsebean horse␣bean horse-bell horseboat horse␣boys horsecars horse␣cars horsecart horsecock horse␣cock horsecomb horse-comb horse␣comb +401 words

224 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Thorsen behorsed Thorsens unhorsed unhorses unhorsey bathorses bawhorses dishorsed dishorses led␣horses merhorses nonhorses redhorses sawhorses saw-horses seahorses sea␣horses warhorses zeehorses ahorseback a-horseback Arab␣horses bell-horses boathorses buckhorses carthorses cockhorses cock-horses dark␣horses dead␣horses film␣horses Finnhorses forehorses gift␣horses high␣horses iron␣horses no␣horse␣run packhorses pack-horses pack␣horses plowhorses posthorses post-horses post␣horses racehorses rearhorses rear-horses salt␣horses showhorses +174 words

204 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

ahorse unhorse bathorse bat-horse bat␣horse bawhorse Bay␣Horse dishorse led␣horse merhorse nonhorse old␣horse one-horse prehorse redhorse red␣horse sawhorse saw-horse seahorse sea␣horse warhorse zeehorse antihorse Arab␣horse bell-horse boathorse buckhorse carthorse cockhorse cock-horse darkhorse dark-horse dark␣horse dawn␣horse Deadhorse dead␣horse Fasthorse film␣horse Finnhorse forehorse gift␣horse high␣horse iron␣horse Iron␣Horse packhorse pack-horse pack␣horse plowhorse posthorse post-horse post␣horse +153 words

8 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

hor ors Ors ORs ORS orse 'orse RSE

4 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)


10 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

heros hoers hoser rohes Rohes RSeOH shero shoer shore Shore

108 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

ahorse ashore Bosher chores cosher dehors ephors hearos heroes herons Hersom hetros Hoares hoarse Hoerrs Hofers HOFers holers homers honers Honers Hooser hopers hordes hornes horsed horsen horses horsey Horsey horsie hosers hosier Hosier Hosler Hosmer hoster houres houser Houser hovers howers howres Howser Hoyers Hresko josher Koresh kosher Loehrs +58 words

56 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

EHRs eors eros Eros EROS ersh heor Heos HEOs hero Hero hers Hers her's Her's hoer hoes Hoes hose Hose H.Res. H.␣Res. HSer ores öres orse 'orse rehs Reos resh Resh rheo- rhos Rhos Roeh roes Roes RoEs ROEs rohe Rohe Rohs RoHS rose Rose rosé RSeH RSHE RSOH sero- Sher shoe Shoe Shor SOHR sore

28 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

corse Corse dorse gorse harse herse Herse hoise hoose Hoose Horae Horæ horde horne Horne horst Horst horsy house House Howse hyrse morse Morse Norse torse worse zorse

4 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

hose Hose orse 'orse

2 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

hoarse horsie

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