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The word ice is in the Wiktionary

82 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • ice n. (Uncountable) Water in frozen (solid) form.
  • ice n. (Uncountable, physics, astronomy) Any frozen volatile chemical, such as ammonia or carbon dioxide.
  • ice n. (Uncountable, astronomy) Any volatile chemical, such as water, ammonia, or carbon dioxide, not necessarily…
  • ice n. (Countable) A frozen dessert made of fruit juice, water and sugar.
  • ice n. (UK, countable, dated) An ice cream.
  • ice n. (Uncountable) Any substance having the appearance of ice.
  • ice n. (Uncountable, slang) One or more diamonds and jewelry, especially blood diamonds.
  • ice n. (Uncountable, slang, drugs) Crystal form of amphetamine-based drugs.
  • ice n. (Uncountable, ice hockey) The area where a game of ice hockey is played.
  • ice n. (Uncountable, slang) Elephant or rhinoceros ivory that has been poached and sold on the black market.
  • ice n. (Uncountable, slang) An artifact that has been smuggled, especially one that is either clear or shiny.
  • ice n. (Slang) Money paid as a bribe.
  • ice v. (Transitive) To cool with ice, as a beverage.
  • ice v. (Intransitive) To become ice; to freeze.
  • ice v. (Transitive) To make icy; to freeze.
  • ice v. (Transitive, slang) To murder.
  • ice v. (Transitive) To cover with icing (frosting made of sugar and milk or white of egg); to frost; as cakes, tarts, etc.
  • ice v. (Ice hockey) To put out a team for a match.
  • ice v. (Ice hockey) To shoot the puck the length of the playing surface, causing a stoppage in play called icing.
  • Ice prop.n. A surname.
  • ICE prop.n. (Sports) Abbreviation of Iceland.
  • ICE prop.n. Initialism of Institution of Civil Engineers.
  • ICE prop.n. (Government, US) Initialism of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“law-enforcement agency responsible…
  • ICE prop.n. (Rail transport) Initialism of Intercity-Express (“German high speed train”).
  • ICE n. (Automotive) Acronym of internal combustion engine, internal-combustion engine.
  • ICE n. (Computing) Initialism of internal compiler error.
  • ICE n. (Computing) in-circuit emulator, in-circuit emulation.
  • ICE n. Initialism of In Case of Emergency (used in mobile phones followed by the number to call if the phone’s…
  • ICE n. (Automotive) Initialism of in-car entertainment.
  • ICE n. Initialism of International Cultural Exchange.
  • ICE n. (Medicine) Initialism of ice, compress, elevation (first-aid).
  • ICE n. Initialism of intercontinental exchange.
  • ICE v. (Automotive, slang) To occupy a reserved electric car parking space (especially one equipped with a…
  • -ice suff. (Obsolete) forms abstract nouns.
  • Ice. prop.n. (Law) Abbreviation of Iceland.
— International convention —
  • ice sym. (International standards) ISO 639-2/B language code for Icelandic.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Czech
    • -ice suff. Suffix indicating that the word is of the feminine gender.
  • Hausa
  • Irish
    • íce n. Genitive singular of íoc.
  • Karelian
    • iče pron. Used to emphasise the subject of the sentense; self, oneself.
  • Manchu
    • ice rom. Romanization of ᡳᠴᡝ.
  • Middle english
    • ice n. Alternative form of is (“ice”).
    • -ice suff. Alternative form of -ik.
  • Salar
  • Scottish gaelic
    • ìce n. Genitive singular of ìoc.
— English words, defined in German —
  • ice S. (Unzählbar) Eis n.
  • ice S. (Zählbar) (amerikanisch) Fruchteis n.
  • ice V. Gefrieren.
  • ice V. Gefrieren lassen.
  • ice V. Etwas mit oder in Eis kühlen.
  • ice V. (Gastronomie) glasieren.
  • ICE Abk. In Case of Emergency – In einem Notfall – Verfahren zur Kennzeichnung der Rufnummern von Angehörigen…
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • ice n. IJs.
— English words, defined in French —
  • ice n. Glace.
  • ice v. (Intransitif) Geler.
  • ice v. (Transitif) Appliquer de la glace sur une partie du corps, dans le but de refroidir une blessure ou…
  • ice v. (Transitif) Recouvrir de glace.
  • ice v. (Transitif) (Cuisine) Glacer (un gâteau), donner un aspect lisse et brillant à.
  • ice v. (Transitif) (Argot) Tuer, refroidir.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • ice s. Hielo.
  • ice s. Helado.
  • ice s. Diamante.
  • ice s. Metanfetamina.
  • ice v. Helar.
  • ice v. Glasear.
  • ice v. Asesinar.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • ice s. Gelo.
  • ice v. Gelar.
  • ice v. Aplicar gelo em (ferimento).
  • ice v. Aplicar cobertura em (bolo).
  • ice v. Garantir, assegurar.
  • ice v. (Gíria⚠) matar.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • ice s. (Fisica) (chimica) ghiaccio.
— In German —
  • ICE Abk. Intercity-Express – die schnellste und komfortabelste (Fern-)Zugkategorie…
  • ICE Abk. InterCity-Experimental – die Vorgängerbezeichnung eines…
— In Spanish —
  • ice v. Primera persona del singular (yo) del presente de subjuntivo de izar.
  • ice v. Tercera persona del singular (ella, él, ello; usted, 2.ª…
  • ice v. Segunda persona del singular (usted) del imperativo de izar.
  • icé v. Primera persona del singular (yo) del pretérito perfecto…
— In Portuguese —
  • -ice suf. Formador de substantivos abstratos derivados de adjetivos…
214 English words from 47 English definitions

Abbreviation abstract abstract␣nouns Acronym agency aid Alternative ammonia amphetamine and Any appearance area artifact astronomy Automotive based become been beverage black black␣market B␣language blood blood␣diamonds bribe cakes call called car carbon carbon␣dioxide Case causing chemical circuit Civil clear code combustion combustion␣engine compiler compress Computing cool countable cover cream Crystal Cultural Customs dated dessert diamonds dioxide drugs egg either electric electric␣car Elephant elevation Emergency emphasise emulation emulator enforcement engine Engineers entertainment equipped error especially etc exchange Express feminine first first␣aid followed followed␣by for form forms freeze frost frosting frozen fruit fruit␣juice game gender Genitive German Government has having high high␣speed hockey ice ice␣cream ice␣hockey Iceland Icelandic icing icy Immigration in-circuit indicating Initialism in␣play Institution Intercity intercontinental internal internal␣combustion International Intransitive ISO ivory jewelry juice language language␣code law law␣enforcement length made made␣of made␣of␣sugar make market match Medicine milk mobile mobile␣phones Money more Mother murder necessarily not nouns number Obsolete occupy one oneself on␣the out paid parking parking␣space phone phones physics play played playing poached puck put put␣out Rail Rail␣transport reserved responsible rhinoceros Romanization self shiny shoot singular slang smuggled sold sold␣on solid space speed Sports standards Stick stoppage subject substance such such␣as Suffix sugar surface surname tarts team that that␣is the train Transitive transport Tree Uncountable used Used␣to volatile water where white with Wood word word␣is

27 English words from 35 foreign definitions

Argot aspect blessure bolo but Case corps Cuisine dans del der Diamante die donner Eis ello Emergency Experimental Express Fern gâteau Intercity lisse perfecto persona singular und

3 foreign words from 47 English definitions

has␣been Intercity-Express Water␣in

75 foreign words from 35 foreign definitions

adjetivos amerikanisch Angehörigen Aplicar Appliquer Asesinar assegurar brillant chimica cobertura de␣la derivados einem eines ella Etwas ferimento Fern- Fisica Formador Fruchteis Garantir Gastronomie Gefrieren Gelar Geler gelo ghiaccio Gíria glace Glacer Glasear glasieren Helado Helar Hielo imperativo Intercity-Express Intransitif izar Kennzeichnung komfortabelste kühlen lassen matar Metanfetamina mit Notfall oder partie presente pretérito pretérito␣perfecto Primera Primera␣persona Recouvrir refroidir Rufnummern schnellste Segunda Segunda␣persona subjuntivo substantivos sur Tercera Tercera␣persona Transitif Tuer une Unzählbar usted Verfahren von Zählbar zur

529 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

iced Icel. ICEM icen icer ices Ices ICEs ICEV icey ice-ax ice␣ax Iceni icens icers ice␣up ICEVs ice␣age Ice␣Age iceane ice-axe ice␣axe icebag ice␣bag icebow icebox ice␣box ICE␣box icecap ice-cap ice␣cap ice␣dam iced␣up ice␣fog icelid iceman icemen icened ice-out ice␣out ice␣pop ice␣run ICESat ice-saw ices␣up ice␣tea iceway ice␣ages Ice␣Ages ice␣alga +479 words

4051 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

bicep bices Bices diced Dice-K dicer dices Dices dicey Ficek fices Hices Licea licey miced Micek niced nicen nicer NICER nices *nices Nicey pices riced ricer rices -rices ricey Sicel sices ticed Ticer tices Tices viced vices Vices Alicea amices apices Auicen biceps Boices Buices chicer cicely Cicely cicero Cicero +4001 words

1362 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

bice Bice dice Dice fice FICE hice Hice lice mice nice Nice NICE pice rice Rice RICE sice tice Tice vice Vice vice- Alice ALICE amice B-NICE Boice Brice Buice deice de-ice Erice FLICE frice grice Grice Guice Joice juice JUICE neice Neice noice on␣ice peice p'lice price Price PRICE +1312 words

3 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)


86 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

ACEi ACEI bice Bice Ceci cedi ceil Celi cemi Ceri CETI chie -cide ciel cien cine cine- cire cite cive cize deci- dice Dice e-cig ECIS ECPI ECSI Eich Eick EICs eICU EITC emic epic Epic EPIC eric Eric ERIC ESCI etic -etic EYCI fice FICE geic hice Hice iced +36 words

24 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

ce CE -ce C.E. ci cI CI C&I -ci- EC ec. E.C. EI IC -ic I²C I.C. I.␣C. ie IE -ie IE. i.e. i.␣e.

90 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

ace Ace ACE BCE B.C.E. CCE DCE ECE FCE GCE Ibe ICA -ica ICB ICC ICD ICF ich Ich ICH ICI ICJ ick ICK -ick ICL ICM ICN ICO ICP ICQ ICR ICs ICS -ics I²Cs I.C.s I.␣C.s ICT ICU ICV icy Icy ICZ ide Ide IDE -ide IEE Ife Ige IgE Ike ile Ile %ile -ile ile- IME -ine IoE IOE ipe ipé ire IrE IRE Ire. Ise ISE -ise I'se ITE -ite ive Ive -ive I've -ize LCE MCE pce PCE RCE SCE sce. tce TCE UCE yce

15 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

ce CE -ce C.E. IC -ic I²C I.C. I.␣C. ie IE -ie IE. i.e. i.␣e.

6 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

Iche Icke ICLE -icle ICME Ince

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