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The word iron is in the Wiktionary

62 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • iron n. (Uncountable) A common, inexpensive metal, silvery grey when untarnished, that rusts, is attracted by…
  • iron n. (Uncountable, physics, chemistry, metallurgy) A metallic chemical element having atomic number 26 and symbol Fe.
  • iron n. (Uncountable, countable, metallurgy) Any material, not a steel, predominantly made of elemental iron.
  • iron n. (Countable) A tool or appliance made of metal, which is heated and then used to transfer heat to something…
  • iron n. (Usually plural, irons) shackles.
  • iron n. (Slang) A firearm, either a long gun or a handgun.
  • iron n. (Uncountable) A dark shade of the color silver.
  • iron n. (Cockney rhyming slang, shortened from iron hoof, rhyming with poof; countable, offensive) A male homosexual.
  • iron n. (Golf) A golf club used for middle-distance shots.
  • iron n. (Uncountable, figurative) Used as a symbol of great strength or toughness, or to signify a very strong…
  • iron n. (Weightlifting) Weight used as resistance for the purpose of strength training.
  • iron n. (Countable, astronomy, geology) A meteorite consisting primarily of metallic iron (mixed with a small…
  • iron n. A safety curtain in a theatre.
  • iron n. (Military, slang) dumb bombs, those without guidance systems.
  • iron adj. (Not comparable) Made of the metal iron.
  • iron adj. (Figuratively) Strong (as of will), inflexible.
  • iron v. (Transitive) To pass an iron over (clothing or some other item made of cloth) in order to remove creases.
  • iron v. (Transitive, archaic) To shackle with irons; to fetter or handcuff.
  • iron v. (Transitive) To furnish or arm with iron.
  • Iron prop.n. The 57th sura (chapter) of the Qur’an.
  • Iron prop.n. A group of Ossetians of the northern Caucasus who speak the Iron Ossetian dialect.
  • Iron adj. Of or pertaining to the Iron people.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Esperanto
    • iron n. Accusativesingularof iro.
  • Hungarian
    • irón n. (Archaic) pencil.
  • Japanese
    • iron rom. Rōmaji transcription of いろん.
— English words, defined in German —
  • iron S. Chemie: Eisen kein Plural.
  • iron S. Bügeleisen.
  • iron V. Bügeln.
  • iron Adj. Eisern.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • iron n. (Element) ijzer.
  • iron n. Strijkijzer.
  • iron w. Strijken.
— English words, defined in Latin —
  • iron n.subs. Ferrum (-i, n.) || √ Elementum 26; symbolus: Fe.
  • iron n.subs. Ferrum ut ferramentum, praesertim.
  • iron n.subs. (Pluraliter) Manicae, pedicae; compes.
  • iron n.subs. Fortitudo; potestas; inflexibilitas.
  • iron adi. Ferreus (-a, -um).
  • iron adi. Color ferreus.
  • iron adi. Quam ferrum in fortitudine, stabilitate, etc.
  • iron v. Levigo (-are, -avi, -atum) || Ferro levigare (e.g. vestimenta).
  • iron v. Compedio (-ire, —, -itum) || Ponere in compedes.
— English words, defined in French —
  • iron adj. De fer, en fer.
  • iron n. (Chimie) (nomenclature UICPA) (Indénombrable) Fer (l’élément chimique Fe).
  • iron n. Fer.
  • iron n. Fer à repasser.
  • iron n. (Au pluriel) Fers (chaînes).
  • iron v. Repasser.
  • iron v. (Sens figuré) Régler les détails (iron out).
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • iron s. Química y Metalurgia. Hierro.
  • iron s. Fierro.
  • iron s. Herramientas. Plancha.
  • iron adj. De hierro.
  • iron adj. Férreo.
  • iron v. Planchar.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • iron s. (Química⚠) ferro, elemento químico de número atômico 26 e símbolo Fe.
  • iron s. Ferramenta, instrumento ou arma feita deste material.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • iron s. (Elemento chimico) (metallurgia) ferro.
  • iron s. Ferro da stiro.
  • iron agg. Di ferro.
  • iron agg. In ferro.
— In German —
  • iron. Abk. Abkürzung für ironisch in Wörterbüchern, Nachschlagewerken u. dgl.
— In French —
  • Iron n.prop. (Géographie) Commune française du département de l’Aisne.
153 English words from 25 English definitions

and Any appliance archaic arm as␣of astronomy atomic atomic␣number attracted bombs Caucasus chapter chemical chemical␣element chemistry cloth clothing club Cockney Cockney␣rhyming␣slang color common comparable consisting countable creases curtain dark dialect distance dumb dumb␣bombs either element elemental fetter figurative Figuratively firearm for from furnish geology golf golf␣club great grey group guidance gun handcuff handgun having heat heated homosexual hoof inexpensive inflexible in␣order in␣order␣to iron iron␣hoof irons item long long␣gun made made␣of male material metal metallic metallurgy meteorite middle middle␣distance Military mixed northern not number offensive order Ossetian Ossetians other over pass pencil people pertaining physics plural poof predominantly primarily purpose remove resistance rhyming rhyming␣slang Rōmaji rusts safety safety␣curtain shackle shackles shade shortened shots signify silver silvery slang small some something speak steel strength strength␣training strong sura symbol systems that the theatre then those tool to␣the toughness training transcription transfer Transitive Uncountable untarnished used used␣to Usually very Weight Weightlifting when which who will with without

27 English words from 37 foreign definitions

Aisne are avi Color Commune département Eisen Element etc fer Ferramenta Ferro ferrum Fers Fierro ire iron iron␣out les material nomenclature out Plancha Plural Quam Sens stabilitate

1 foreign word from 25 English definitions


62 foreign words from 37 foreign definitions

Abkürzung arma atômico atum Bügeleisen Bügeln chaînes Chemie chimico Chimie chimique De␣fer deste détails dgl. Eisern élément élément␣chimique elemento Elemento␣chimico elemento␣químico Elementum feita Fer␣à␣repasser Férreo ferro Ferro␣da␣stiro figuré Fortitudo française für Géographie Herramientas hierro ijzer Indénombrable instrumento ironisch kein levigare Levigo metallurgia Metalurgia Nachschlagewerken número número␣atômico Planchar pluriel potestas Química químico Régler repasser Sens␣figuré símbolo stiro Strijken Strijkijzer u.␣dgl. UICPA vestimenta Wörterbüchern

262 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

irone irons Irons irony ironed ironer irones Ironia ironic ironym iron␣age Iron␣Age ironers iron␣gum ironice ironick ironies ironing ironise ironish ironism ironist ironize ironman iron␣man ironmen iron␣men iron␣ore iron␣out Ironton ironyms ironable iron␣band ironbark iron␣blue iron␣bomb iron␣brew iron␣buff iron␣cage ironclad iron-clad iron␣clay iron␣fall iron␣fist iron␣game Irongray iron␣gray iron␣gums iron␣hand ironhead +212 words

356 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Birons Cirone cirons Girona girons Hirono Jirons Mirons Pironi Sirona sirons Boirons Cirones Doirons Gironan Gironde gironny in␣irons sironid -spirone Tairona vairone andirons box␣irons Chironic clairons cobirons endirons environs gepirone Gironans Girondin gob␣irons leg␣irons midirons mid-irons pie␣irons rub␣irons sadirons sironids Tironian tow␣irons tue-irons unironed unironic vairones anaxirone azapirone beakirons beak-irons +306 words

184 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Biron ciron Ciron giron Jiron Kiron Miron siron Tiron viron Boiron Chiron diiron Doiron triron uniron andiron apeiron bad␣iron bar␣iron big␣iron bog␣iron box␣iron clairon cobiron endiron environ gal-iron gob␣iron midiron mid-iron noniron non-iron oxoiron pie␣iron pig␣iron rod␣iron rub␣iron sadiron sad-iron tow␣iron tue-iron beakiron beak-iron bick-iron castiron cast-iron cast␣iron Cathiron Coldiron cold␣iron +133 words

4 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

IRO ron Ron RON

6 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

nor NOR nor- Nor. nori Ori

10 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

inro inrō Niro noir nori Orin Rino RINO Rion roin

99 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Arion Biron Brion ciron Ciron Corin corni dinor Forni giron Gorin groin in␣for inorb inros intro intro- intro. Irano- Irion irone irons Irons irony Jiron Kiron korin Kroni minor Minor Miron morin Morin Nerio neroi nidor nigro Niort Niros nitro Nitro nitro- noier noirs Noori noria Noric norie noris Nouri +49 words

34 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

Ino -ino INR ion Ion -ion IRO NIO NIR N.␣Ir. NOI nor NOR nor- Nor. Nri NRI NRO OIr oni ONI Ori orn rin rio Rio RIO RNI Roi RoI ROI ron Ron RON

25 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

Aron cron Cron Dron Fron icon ICON ikon in␣on Iran Irân Irān Îrân Īrān Irun ison Ison Iwon Izon Kron pron tron Tron -tron yron

7 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

ion Ion -ion IRO ron Ron RON

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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