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The word itu is in the Wiktionary

25 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • ITU prop.n. Initialism of International Telecommunication Union, originally called the International Telegraph Union.
  • ITU prop.n. Initialism of International Triathlon Union.
  • ITU prop.n. Initialism of International Typographical Union.
  • ITU prop.n. Initialism of IT University of Copenhagen.
  • ITU prop.n. Initialism of Istanbul Technical University.
  • ITU n. (Britain) Initialism of intensive treatment unit, called intensive care unit in the United States.
  • I-tu prop.n. Alternative form of Yidu, Hubei.
  • I-tu prop.n. Alternative form of Yidu, Shandong.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Danish
    • itu adv. Broken.
    • itu adv. Torn.
  • Faroese
    • itu v. First/second/third-person plural past of eita.
  • Finnish
    • itu n. (Topology, mathematics) germ.
  • Finnish - Ingrian
  • Indonesian
    • itu pron. It (that thing).
  • Indonesian - Malay
    • itu det. That (what is being indicated).
  • Kikuyu
  • Malay
    • itu pron. That (that thing).
  • Rarotongan
  • San miguel el grande mixtec
    • itū n. Milpa, agricultural field.
  • Sumerian
    • itu rom. Romanization of 𒌗 (itu).
  • Swedish
    • itu adv. Into two pieces, apart.
  • Tiruray
— In German —
  • ITU Abk. Internationale Fernmeldeunion.
— In Dutch —
  • ITU n. (Initiaalwoord), (afkorting) International Telecommunications Union.
— In Portuguese —
  • Itu s. (Município do estado de São Paulo) município brasileiro do…
60 English words from 22 English definitions

agricultural Alternative apart being Britain Broken called care Cloud Copenhagen Dog field First form germ Hubei indicated Initialism intensive intensive␣care intensive␣care␣unit intensive␣treatment International Into Istanbul mathematics Milpa originally past person pieces plural Romanization second Seven Shandong Sprout States Technical Telecommunication Telegraph that the thing third third␣person third-person␣plural Topology Torn treatment Triathlon two Typographical Union unit United United␣States University what Yidu

6 English words from 3 foreign definitions

estado International Internationale São␣Paulo Telecommunications Union

1 foreign word from 22 English definitions


6 foreign words from 3 foreign definitions

afkorting brasileiro Initiaalwoord município Paulo São

14 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

ITUs ITU-T -itude Ituna Iturbe Iturea Iturup Iturbes Iturean Ituraean Iturbide Iturbides Iturralde Iturraldes

2105 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

AITUC aitus fit-up fit␣up hitup hit-up hit␣up litui lit␣up Mitul ritux situp sit-up sit␣up situs Situs titup tit␣up Titus Vitug Vitus abitur Abitur aditus bait␣up bitume Clitus coitus exitus fit-ups hitups hit-ups hit␣ups Kituba Kuitun litupa litura lituus pituri ritual shit␣up situal situla situpa situps sit-ups sit␣ups spit-up spit␣up suit␣up +2055 words

16 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

aitu litų Ritu situ Situ Yitu Chitu Quitu ex␣situ in-situ in␣situ manitu Espiritu wh-in-situ in␣transitu afuega'l␣pitu

One word-in-word RTL (Word found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)


4 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Tiu tui TUI UTI

51 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

aitu cUTI etui étui ITUs ITU-T itwu iust kuti litų muti Muti ptui puit quit Ritu situ Situ suit Suit tfui Tibu Tieu TIFU tipu Tsui Tubi Tudi TUIO tuis TUIs tuit Tuli tumi Tupi Turi Tuzi uint Uist unit URTI utai UTCI utia Utik util Util. utis UTIs Yitu Yuit

19 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

it It IT 'it It. It⁺⁶ IU ti TI Ti. T&I tu Tu TU Tū -tu- UI ut UT

56 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

BTU ETU IAU ibu IBU ICU IDU IFU imu IMU IOU ipu IPU iru IRU isu ISU ita ITA ITB ITC it'd ITE -ite ITF ith i'th' ITK ITM ITN Ito ITO ITP its ITS 'its it's its' itt ITT ITV ITX -ity IUU I-wu Izu MTU NTU PTU RTU stu Stu stu' utu Utu UTU

12 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

it It IT 'it It. It⁺⁶ IU tu Tu TU Tū -tu-

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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