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The word jaks is in the Wiktionary

9 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English word —
  • jaks n. Plural of jak.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Latvian
  • Swedish
    • jaks n. Indefinite genitive singular of jak.
— In German —
  • Jaks V. Nominativ Plural des Substantivs Jak.
  • Jaks V. Genitiv Singular des Substantivs Jak.
  • Jaks V. Genitiv Plural des Substantivs Jak.
  • Jaks V. Dativ Plural des Substantivs Jak.
  • Jaks V. Akkusativ Plural des Substantivs Jak.
— In Dutch —
  • jaks n. Meervoud van het zelfstandig naamwoord jak.
6 English words from 3 English definitions

genitive Indefinite jak Plural singular Yak

6 English words from 6 foreign definitions

des het jak Plural Singular van

9 foreign words from 6 foreign definitions

Akkusativ Dativ Genitiv Meervoud naamwoord Nominativ Substantivs zelfstandig zelfstandig␣naamwoord

One suffix (New word found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)


One time in the middle (New word found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)


9 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

ajaks Bujaks Pajaks wojaks Wojaks ghijaks sanjaks soyjaks muntjaks

5 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

aks AKs jak Jak 'jak

3 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

kaj ska SKA

One anagram (New word found by changing the order of the letters.)


14 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

ajaks jacks Jacks jakes Jakes jakos jarks Jasek kajis kajus Kjars Sajak sjark Sojka

22 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

AJK aks AKs ask Ask ASK jak Jak 'jak jas Jas Jas. JSA kaj kas KAs KSA saj sáj SAK ska SKA

42 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

daks Daks Haks jabs Jabs JADs jags Jags jake Jake jako Jako jams JAMs Jaos japs Japs JAQs jars JARs jass Jass jats Jats jaws JAWS jays Jays JDKs JFKs kaks maks Maks ma'ks naks oaks paks Paks SAKs taks yaks zaks

8 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

aks AKs jak Jak 'jak jas Jas Jas.

6 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

jacks Jacks jakes Jakes jakos jarks

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