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The word leda is in the Wiktionary

33 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • Leda prop.n. (Greek mythology) The wife of Tyndareus and mother of Helen, Clytemnestra and Castor and Pollux hatched…
  • Leda prop.n. (Astronomy) A moon of Jupiter.
  • Leda prop.n. (Astronomy) 38 Leda, a main belt asteroid; not to be confused with the Jovian moon.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Czech
    • leda adv. Only, just.
    • leda adv. Except for.
    • leda adv. (Archaic) sloppily, carelessly.
    • leda conj. Unless, only if.
  • Esperanto
  • Ido
  • Norwegian bokmål
    • leda v. Simple past of lede, past participle of lede.
  • Norwegian nynorsk
    • leda v. Alternative form of lea.
    • leda adj. (Especially in compounds) composed of parts (in sequence).
    • leda n. Definite plural of led.
    • leda n. Definite singular of led.
  • Old frisian
    • leda v. (Transitive) to lead.
  • Serbo-croatian
    • leda n. Genitive singular of led.
    • leđa n. (Plural only) back.
    • leđa n. Idiomatic and figurative meanings.
  • Swedish
    • leda v. To (gently) lead; to guide, to conduct.
    • leda v. To be in the lead; to be the leader of a competition.
    • leda v. To guide, to direct; to be in a position of leadership.
    • leda adj. Absolute singular definite and plural form of led.
    • leda n. Boredom.
— In German —
  • Leda S. Griechische Mythologie: Königin von Sparta und Geliebte des Gottes Zeus.
  • Leda S. Astronomie: ein Mond des Planeten Jupiter mit einem mittleren…
— In French —
  • Léda n.prop.f. (Anthroponyme) Fille de Thestios et épouse de Tyndare…
  • Léda n.prop.f. (Astronomie) Satellite naturel de la planète Jupiter.
  • Léda n.prop.f. (Astronomie) (38) Léda, internationalement (38) Leda…
  • Léda n.prop.f. (Astronomie) Nom proposé en 1973 pour un autre satellite…
  • Léda prén.f. Prénom féminin.
— In Portuguese —
  • leda adj. Feminino de ledo.
  • Leda s. (Antropônimo) prenome feminino.
— In Italian —
  • Leda n.prop. Nome proprio di persona femminile.
72 English words from 23 English definitions

Absolute Alternative and Archaic asteroid Astronomy back belt Boredom carelessly Castor Clytemnestra competition composed compounds conduct confused definite direct Especially Except Except␣for figurative for form Genitive gently Greek guide hatched Helen Idiomatic in␣the␣lead Jovian Jupiter just lea lead leader leadership Leather led Leda lede main main␣belt meanings moon mother mythology not of␣a only only␣if participle parts past past␣participle plural Pollux position sequence Simple Simple␣past singular sloppily the Transitive Ugly Unless wife with

11 English words from 10 foreign definitions

des Jupiter Leda Nom Nome persona pour satellite Sparta und Zeus

35 foreign words from 10 foreign definitions

Anthroponyme Antropônimo Astronomie autre de␣la di␣persona ein einem épouse féminin feminino femminile Fille Geliebte Gottes Griechische internationalement Königin Léda ledo mit mittleren Mond Mythologie naturel Nome␣proprio planète Planeten Prénom prenome proposé proprio Tyndare un␣autre von

9 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Leday Ledays Ledaean ledanum led␣astray ledazerol LED␣analyser LED␣analysers led␣a␣cat-and-dog␣life

155 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Soledad Soledar Toledan eagle␣dad killedar poledavy shiledar silledar Toledano Toledans Villedas Vuhledar yelled␣at Arboledas daledalin Doubleday double␣day eagle␣dads hauled␣ass killedars middle␣day pole␣dance shiledars silledars Swaledale Toledanos Wattle␣Day Castle␣Dale double␣dare double-date double␣date Doubledays double␣days Littledale mobile␣data pebbledash pebble-dash pebble␣dash peeled␣away pole␣danced pole␣dancer pole␣dances poledavies table␣dance tailed␣away Wattle␣Days whiled␣away Bastille␣Day bottle␣dance candle␣dance +105 words

4 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Fleda Abeleda Villeda Arboleda

4 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

Eda EDA led LED

9 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ade Ade ADE -ade Adel del Del del. Del.

12 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Adel adle ALDE dale Dale deal Deal Dela E.D.␣La. lade Lade lead

118 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

abled addle Adela adele Adele Adell Adler adlet Adlet ailed albed aldea Alden alder Alder alder- Alder. Aledo aloed Alred Andel atled Balde baled blade Blade blead cadel Cadle clade Dahle daled dalek Dalek Dalen Daleo dales Dales dalet Dalke damel Deahl deale deals dealt Debal decal dedal delam Delao +68 words

43 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

ade Ade ADE -ade ADL AED ael ale Ale DAE dal Dal DAL DEA del Del del. Del. DLA DLE EAD 'ead EAL Eda EDA EDL Ela ELA E-la eld 'eld lad LAD Lae LAE LαE LDA LDE lea Lea LEA led LED

27 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

CEDA Lada LEDC lede LEDE Ledo LEDs Lega Leia Leja Lela lema Lema Lena leva Leva Lexa Leza Lüda Lyda MEDA peda Reda Seda Teda Ueda Veda

8 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

Eda EDA LDA lea Lea LEA led LED

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