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The word lensoids is in the Wiktionary

1 short excerpt of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English word —
2 English words from the English definition

lensoid Plural

18 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ens ENS Ens. ENSO ids IDs IDS I-Ds I.D.s Len lens Lens lensoid NSO OID -oid soi SOI

8 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

DIO ios Ios iOS IOs I/Os SDI SNe

2 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

solenids sondelis

18 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

delusions disenrols dogliness dolliness endolysis godliness lions'␣dens moldiness nodalises nodelists NOP␣slides noseslide nose␣slide sedolisin selenoids snowslide solenoids solidness

29 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

Delsons desilos dienols dolines Donises Edisons Eidsons Elisons elonids esloins indoles insoled insoles lensoid Leonids lesions Liendos lioness Lioness oldness olenids onsides Seldons selions Selsdon Silsden soleids solenid sondeli

One lipogram (New word found when removing only one letter.)


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