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The word light is in the Wiktionary

127 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • light n. (Physics, uncountable) Visible electromagnetic radiation. The human eye can typically detect radiation…
  • light n. A source of illumination.
  • light n. (Figurative) Spiritual or mental illumination; enlightenment, useful information.
  • light n. (In the plural, now rare) Facts; pieces of information; ideas, concepts.
  • light n. A notable person within a specific field or discipline.
  • light n. (Painting) The manner in which the light strikes a picture; that part of a picture which represents…
  • light n. A point of view, or aspect from which a concept, person or thing is regarded.
  • light n. A flame or something used to create fire.
  • light n. A firework made by filling a case with a substance which burns brilliantly with a white or coloured flame.
  • light n. A window in architecture, carriage design, or motor car design: either the opening itself or the window…
  • light n. The series of squares reserved for the answer to a crossword clue.
  • light n. (Informal) A cross-light in a double acrostic or triple acrostic.
  • light n. Open view; a visible state or condition; public observation; publicity.
  • light n. The power of perception by vision.
  • light n. The brightness of the eye or eyes.
  • light n. A traffic light, or, by extension, an intersection controlled by one or more that will face a traveler…
  • light v. (Transitive) To start (a fire).
  • light v. (Transitive) To set fire to; to set burning.
  • light v. (Transitive) To illuminate; to provide light for when it is dark.
  • light v. (Intransitive) To become ignited; to take fire.
  • light v. To attend or conduct with a light; to show the way to by means of a light.
  • light v. (Transitive, pinball) To make (a bonus) available to be collected by hitting a target, and thus light…
  • light adj. Having light; bright; clear; not dark or obscure.
  • light adj. Pale or whitish in color; highly luminous and more or less deficient in chroma.
  • light adj. (Of coffee) Served with extra milk or cream.
  • light adj. Having little or relatively little actual weight; not cumbrous or unwieldy.
  • light adj. Having little weight as compared with bulk; of little density or specific gravity.
  • light adj. Of short or insufficient weight; weighing less than the legal, standard, or proper amount; clipped or diminished.
  • light adj. Lacking that which burdens or makes heavy.
  • light adj. (Cooking) Not heavy or soggy; spongy; well raised.
  • light adj. Low in fat, calories, alcohol, salt, etc.
  • light adj. Slight, not forceful or intense; small in amount or intensity.
  • light adj. Gentle; having little force or momentum.
  • light adj. Easy to endure or perform.
  • light adj. Unimportant, trivial, having little value or significance.
  • light adj. (Obsolete) Unchaste, wanton.
  • light adj. Not encumbered; unembarrassed; clear of impediments; hence, active; nimble; swift.
  • light adj. (Dated) Easily influenced by trifling considerations; unsteady; unsettled; volatile.
  • light adj. Indulging in, or inclined to, levity; lacking dignity or solemnity; frivolous; airy.
  • light adj. Not quite sound or normal; somewhat impaired or deranged; dizzy; giddy.
  • light adj. Easily interrupted by stimulation.
  • light adv. Carrying little.
  • light n. (Curling) A stone that is not thrown hard enough.
  • light n. See lights (“lungs”).
  • light n. (Australia, uncountable) A low-alcohol lager.
  • light v. (Nautical) To unload a ship, or to jettison material to make it lighter.
  • light v. To lighten; to ease of a burden; to take off.
  • light v. To find by chance.
  • light v. To stop upon (of eyes or a glance); to notice.
  • light v. (Archaic) To alight; to land or come down.
  • Light prop.n. A surname.
  • Light prop.n. An unincorporated community in Greene County, Arkansas, United States.
  • Light prop.n. (Islam) The 24th sura (chapter) of the Qur’an.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Middle english
    • light n. The radiation which allows for vision by brightening objects and colours.
    • light n. Illumination in general, or any source thereof.
    • light n. The metaphorical clarity resulting from philosophical or religious ideals such as truth, wisdom, righteousness, etc.
    • light n. Mental or spiritual acuity; the presence of life in a living being.
    • light n. (Chemistry) The property of lustre; how shiny a substance is.
    • light n. (Religion) Heavenly radiance; glory.
    • light n. (Architecture) an opening in a wall allowing for the transmission of light; a window.
    • light n. The sense of sight.
    • light n. The state of being easily seen.
— English words, defined in German —
  • light S. Licht.
  • light S. Lichtquelle.
  • light S. Allgemein: etwas zum Entzünden einer Flamme; Feuerzeug, Streichhölzer.
  • light S. Kurzform von enlightment: Verständnis.
  • light S. Architektur, meist in Wortkombinationen: Fenster.
  • light S. Architektur, Kunst: Fokus, Licht.
  • light V. Zu brennen beginnen oder brennend machen.
  • light V. Transitiv: hell machen.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • light n. (Natuurkunde) licht.
  • light w. Bijlichten, verlichten.
  • light w. Aansteken.
  • light bijv. Licht.
— English words, defined in Latin —
  • light n.subs. Lux.
  • light n.adi. Lucidus; candidus; non obscurus.
  • light v. Accendere.
  • light v. Illuminare.
  • light n.adi. Levis; non gravis.
  • light v. Descendere, desilire.
— English words, defined in French —
  • light adj. Clair, de couleur pâle.
  • light adj. Léger.
  • light adj. (Cuisine) Avec du lait ou de la crème en parlant de café.
  • light adj. (Chemin de fer) Sans voitures en parlant des locomotives.
  • light n. (Physique) (Indénombrable) Lumière.
  • light n. Source émettant de la lumière.
  • light n. (Electric light) Luminaire, lumière artificielle (voir « lighting »).
  • light n. (Populaire) Feu (de circulation routière) (traffic light).
  • light v. Allumer un feu.
  • light v. Illuminer.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • light s. Luz.
  • light s. Lámpara.
  • light s. Fuego.
  • light s. Perspectiva.
  • light adj. Claro.
  • light adj. Ligero.
  • light adj. Más ligero.
  • light adj. Leve.
  • light adj. Ágil.
  • light adj. Poco profundo, poco serio.
  • light adj. (Del suelo) arenoso.
  • light v. Iluminar.
  • light v. Encender.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • light adj. Leve.
  • light adj. (Linguística) leve.
  • light s. Luz.
  • light s. Luz (lâmpada).
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • light agg. Leggero, non pesante.
  • light agg. Leggero, facile, poco impegnativo o poco faticoso.
  • light agg. Leggero, soffice, delicato.
  • light agg. Light, leggero, di cibi a basso contenuto di calorie o comunque di sostanze potenzialmente nocive.
  • light agg. Illuminato, luminoso.
  • light agg. Chiaro, pallido (posto prima di un colore, indica una sfumatura più chiara dello stesso).
  • light s. (Fisica) luce.
  • light s. Illuminazione, una fonte di luce, lampada, lampadina.
  • light s. Luce, illuminazione mentale o spirituale.
  • light s. Apertura che lascia entrare la luce; finestra.
  • light adv. Leggermente, facilmente.
— In Dutch —
  • light bijv. Met een claim van minder schadelijke stoffen bevattend.
  • light bijv. Caloriearm.
— In French —
  • light adj. (Anglicisme) Léger, allégé.
  • light adj. (Anglicisme) (Cuisine) Léger, dont on a enlevé totalement…
  • light adj. (Anglicisme) Blonde, en parlant des cigarettes.
  • light n.f. Cigarette blonde.
— In Portuguese —
  • light adj. (Estrangeirismo e Culinária) que possui menores teores…
— In Italian —
  • light agg. (Forestierismo) leggero; usato per riferirsi a cibi a basso…
  • light agg. (Forestierismo), (per estensione) leggero; usato per riferirsi…
349 English words from 62 English definitions

acrostic active actual acuity airy alcohol alight allowing allowing␣for allows allows␣for amount and answer answer␣to any Archaic architecture Arkansas aspect attend Australia available become being bonus bright brightening brightness brilliantly bulk burden burdens burning burns by␣chance by␣extension by␣means␣of calories can car carriage Carrying case chance chapter Chemistry chroma clarity clear clipped clue coffee collected color coloured colours come come␣down community compared concept concepts condition conduct considerations controlled Cooking County cream create cross cross-light crossword cumbrous Curling dark Dated deficient density deranged design detect dignity diminished discipline dizzy double double␣acrostic down ease easily Easy either electromagnetic encumbered endure enlightenment enough etc extension extra eye eyes face Facts fat field Figurative filling find fire firework flame for force forceful frivolous from general Gentle giddy glance glory gravity Greene Greene␣County hard having Heavenly heavy hence highly hitting how human ideals ideas ignited illuminate illumination impaired impediments inclined in␣color Indulging influenced Informal information in␣general insufficient intense intensity interrupted intersection Intransitive Islam itself jettison lacking lager land legal less less␣than levity life light lighten lighter lights little living low low-alcohol luminous lungs lustre made make make␣it makes manner material means mental metaphorical milk momentum more more␣or␣less motor motor␣car Nautical nimble normal not notable notice Not␣quite now objects obscure observation Obsolete of␣a off one Open opening or␣something Painting Pale part perception perform person philosophical Physics picture pieces pinball plural point point␣of␣view power presence proper property provide public publicity quite radiance radiation raised rare regarded relatively Religion religious represents reserved resulting righteousness salt See seen sense series Served set set␣fire shiny ship short show show␣the␣way sight significance Slight small soggy solemnity something somewhat sound source specific specific␣gravity spiritual spongy squares standard start state state␣of␣being States stimulation stone stop strikes substance such such␣as sura surname swift take take␣fire take␣off target than that that␣is the thereof the␣way thing thing␣is thrown thus traffic traffic␣light Transitive transmission traveler trifling triple triple␣acrostic trivial truth typically Unchaste uncountable unembarrassed Unimportant unincorporated United United␣States unload unsettled unsteady unwieldy upon used used␣to useful value view visible vision volatile wall wanton way way␣to weighing weight well when which white whitish will window wisdom with within

54 English words from 65 foreign definitions

basso blonde café calorie che Chemin␣de␣fer Cigarette cigarettes circulation claim Clair Claro couleur crème Cuisine Del des dont een Electric Electric␣light enlightment facile Fenster fer feu hell Illuminer indica lait leggero Levis light lighting locomotives luce Luminaire Lux Luz Met minder nocive non per pesante Physique prima que Sans Source traffic traffic␣light van voitures

1 foreign word from 62 English definitions


112 foreign words from 65 foreign definitions

Aansteken Ágil allégé Allgemein Allumer Anglicisme Apertura Architektur arenoso artificielle Avec beginnen bevattend Bijlichten brennen brennend Caloriearm candidus Chemin chiara Chiaro cibi colore comunque contenuto Culinária de␣couleur de␣fer de␣la delicato dello dello␣stesso einer émettant Encender enlevé entrare Entzünden estensione Estrangeirismo etwas facilmente faticoso Feuerzeug finestra Fisica Flamme Fokus fonte Forestierismo Fuego gravis Illuminato illuminazione Iluminar impegnativo Indénombrable Kunst Kurzform lâmpada lampadina Lámpara lascia Léger Leggermente leve licht Lichtquelle ligero Linguística lumière lumière␣artificielle luminoso machen Más meist menores mentale Natuurkunde obscurus oder pâle pallido parlant per␣estensione Perspectiva più poco Populaire possui posto potenzialmente profundo routière serio sfumatura soffice sostanze spirituale stesso stoffen Streichhölzer suelo totalement Transitiv una usato verlichten Verständnis voir von zum

500 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

lights lighty Lighty lighted lighten lighter lightie lightin' Lightle lightly light-up light␣up Lightys light␣air lightbar light␣bob lightbox light␣box Lightcap light␣day light␣due light␣elf lightens light␣eon lighters lightest lighteth lightful light␣gel lightgun light␣gun lighties lighting lightish Lightles lightman lightmap lightmen Lightner light␣oil light␣out lightpen light␣pen lightray Lightsey lights␣up lightable light␣aeon light␣airs light␣ball +450 words

842 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

alights blights blighty Blighty flights flighty plights plighty slights Slights slighty alighted alighten blighted blighten blighter delighte delights enlights flighted flighten flighter hilights inlights plighted plighter plightly relights slighted slighten slighter slightly unlights uplights alightens alightest alighteth alighting alt-lights arclights bedlights blightens blighters blightest blighteth blighties Blighties blighting daylights delighted +792 words

392 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

alight blight flight plight slight Slight X-light aflight belight delight enlight hilight inlight relight unlight uplight yplight alt-light arclight bad␣light bedlight big␣light daylight dry␣light fanlight foglight fog␣light gaslight gas-light gas␣light icelight inflight in-flight in␣flight keylight key␣light lowlight midlight mislight New␣Light nonlight Old␣Light owl␣light penlight prelight redlight red␣light reflight sealight sea-light sea␣light +341 words

5 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

IGH 'igh ight lig lig.

3 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)


13 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

alight blight flight glitch Leight lights lighty Lighty lithog. plight slight Slight X-light

12 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

ghit gilt gith hilt Hilt ight lgth lith -lith lith- Lith. thig

20 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

aight a'ight bight dight eight fight hight Hight iight kight Kight might night Night pight right sight tight wight Wight

One lipogram (New word found when removing only one letter.)


One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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