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The word loa is in the Wiktionary

40 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • loa n. In the voodoo religion, a spirit intermediary between Bondye (the creator god) and human beings.
  • Loa prop.n. A surname.
  • Loa prop.n. A town, the county seat of Wayne County, Utah, United States.
  • LOA n. Initialism of leave of absence.
  • LOA n. (Military, US) Initialism of letter of appreciation.
— International convention —
  • Loa prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Onchocercidae – a group of nematodes that cause filariasis.
  • Loa prop.n. (Obsolete) Former name of Chaetodon.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Estonian
    • loa n. Genitive singular of luba.
  • Faroese - Icelandic
    • Lóa prop.n. A female given name.
  • Hawaiian
    • loa n. Distance, length.
    • loa v. (Stative) long, permanent.
  • Icelandic
    • lóa n. Plover (bird of the genus Pluvialis).
    • Lóa prop.n. Accusative of Lói, dative of Lói, genitive of Lói.
  • Ligurian
    • lôa n. (Zoology) female equivalent of lô: she-wolf.
  • Malagasy
    • loa v. To vomit.
    • loa v. To pay.
    • loa v. To discharge.
  • Norwegian nynorsk
    • loa v. Alternative spelling of loe.
    • loa n. Definite singular of lo.
  • Tagalog
    • loa n. Poetic panegyric of eulogy (usually in praise of the Virgin Mary and the saints).
  • Tswana
    • loa v. To bewitch.
  • Vietnamese
    • loa n. Megaphone (portable device used to amplify a person’s voice).
    • loa n. (By extension) speaker; loudspeaker.
— In French —
  • loa n.m. (Vaudou) Esprit qui vient chevaucher un choual et auquel…
  • LOA n.f. (Finance) Abréviation de location avec option d’achat.
— In Spanish —
  • loa s. Acción o efecto de loar.
  • loa s. Literatura. Poema dramático de breve extensión en que se…
  • loa s. Teatro. En el teatro antiguo, prólogo, introito, discurso…
  • loa s. Literatura. Composición dramática breve, pero con acción…
  • loa v. Tercera persona del singular (ella, él, ello; usted, 2.ª…
  • loa v. Segunda persona del singular (tú) del imperativo afirmativo de loar.
  • Loa s. Geografía. Río del norte de Chile.
  • Loa s. Provincia de la región de Antofagasta, Chile.
  • Loa s. Aeropuerto en Calama, Chile.
  • Loa s. Geografía. Localidad del estado de Utah, Estados Unidos.
  • Loa s. Apellido.
  • loá v. Segunda persona del singular (vos) del imperativo afirmativo de loar.
— In Portuguese —
  • loa s. Louvor fictício, mentira.
  • loa s. Discurso de louvor, apologia.
  • loa s. Em plural, loas, louvações em cantos religiosos.
91 English words from 23 English definitions

absence Accusative Alternative amplify and appreciation beings between bewitch bird Bondye By␣extension cause Chaetodon county county␣seat creator dative Definite device discharge Distance equivalent eulogy extension family female filariasis Former genitive genus given given␣name god group human human␣beings Initialism intermediary leave leave␣of␣absence length letter long loudspeaker Mary Megaphone Military name nematodes Obsolete panegyric pay permanent person Plover Poetic portable praise religion saints seat she she-wolf singular speaker spelling spirit States Stative surname taxonomic that the town United United␣States used used␣to usually Utah Virgin Virgin␣Mary voice vomit voodoo Wayne Wayne␣County within wolf Zoology

19 English words from 17 foreign definitions

Antofagasta apologia breve cantos Chile con del ello Esprit estado Finance loas location option persona plural que singular Utah

2 foreign words from 23 English definitions

loe luba

50 foreign words from 17 foreign definitions

Abréviation acción achat Aeropuerto afirmativo antiguo Apellido auquel avec Calama chevaucher choual Composición de␣la discurso dramática dramático efecto ella Estados Estados␣Unidos extensión fictício Geografía imperativo introito Literatura loar Localidad louvor mentira norte pero Poema prólogo Provincia qui región religiosos Río Segunda Segunda␣persona teatro Tercera Tercera␣persona Unidos usted Vaudou vient vos

260 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

LOAC load loaf loam loan Loar loas Loas LOAs loach Loach loads LOAEL loafs loams loamy loans Loars loath loave loaded loaden loader Loader loadin' loadsa load␣up LOAELs loafed loafer loafin' Loaiza loamed loaned loanee loaner loanin Loarki loasis loathe loaths loathy loaved loaver loaves Loayza loaches loadens loaders Loaders +210 words

1442 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

aloan bloak bloat cloak cloam float gloak gloam gloar gloat ploat sloam Sloan sloat Sloat afloat beload bloaks bloats bloaty cloaca cloaks cloams cloath deload floats floaty gloaks gloams gloars gloats gloaty koloas no-load onload onloan on-loan on␣loan ploats reload reloan Siloam sloams Sloane sloats Sloats Ulloas unload upload air␣loan +1392 words

21 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Alloa Haloa koloa Ulloa emoloa halloa hilloa holloa hulloa Malloa Quiloa uhaloa akialoa epiploa keitloa makaloa Sinaloa Maunaloa Mauna␣Loa Tangaloa Batticaloa

One word-in-word RTL (Word found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)


7 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Alo AOL Lao OAL ola Ola -ola

147 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Acol -adol -adol- AFOL albo Albo alco ALCO alco- Aldo algo algo- allo 'allo allo- alod aloe Aloi -alol Alon aloo alop alot a␣lot alow also alto Alto alto- AMLO Anlo aole aoul aplo- Arlo -arol ASLO atlo- ATOL auol awol AWOL Boal bola Calo Caló coal Coal Coal. cola Cola COLA +95 words

33 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

al Al AL Ål -al al- a.l. &␣al. ao aO Ao AO A&O a.o. la La LA lä Lα La- La. L.A. L.␣A. lo Lo LO 'lo OA ol OL -ol ol' Ol.

115 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

AoA AOA boa Boa coa CoA COA DOA Foa FOA goa Goa GOA GG.O.A. G.␣O.␣A. hoa Hoa HOA koa LCA LDA lea Lea LEA LFA LGA LHA LIA lka LNA lob Lob LOB loc LoC LOC 'loc loc. lod Lod LoD LOD Lo'd Loe lof log -log Loh LOH Loi LOI lol Lol LoL LOL Lom LOM Lon loo Loo lop Lop LoQ LOQ loq. lor Lor LOs LOS los' lot Lot Lou low Low LOW 'low low% lox LOx LOX loy Loy Loz LoZ LOZ LPA LQA LRA LSA LTA Lua LUA lwa Ly moa MoA MOA noa Noa NoA NOA (+12 words)

14 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

la La LA lä Lα La- La. L.A. L.␣A. lo Lo LO 'lo OA

13 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

loca LOCA Loja lola Lola loma Loma lona Lora LoRa lota Loya Loza

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