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The word loi is in the Wiktionary

51 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • Loi prop.n. A surname.
  • LOI n. Initialism of letter of intent.
  • LOI n. (US, space science) Initialism of lunar orbit insertion: NASA terminology for a spacecraft maneuver…
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Drehu
  • Finnish
    • loi v. Third-person singular past indicative of luoda.
    • löi v. Third-person singular past indicative of lyödä.
    • -loi- inf. (Dialectal, Eastern Finnish) Plural marker.
    • -löi- inf. Front vowel variant of -loi-.
  • Icelandic
    • Lói prop.n. A male given name.
  • Ligurian
    • loî n. Plural of lô.
  • Old french
    • loi n. Law.
    • loi n. Rule; regulation.
  • Polish
    • łoi n. Genitive plural of łój.
    • łoi v. Third-person singular present of łoić.
  • Tokelauan
    • loi n. Ant.
    • loi n. Blue-spotted grouper (Cephalopholis argus).
  • Vietnamese
    • lòi v. To protrude.
    • lòi v. (Colloquial) to reveal (something bad that is supposed to be hidden); to show.
    • lôi v. To pull; to drag.
    • lôi v. (Colloquial) to bring out; to bring up.
    • lõi n. A core.
    • lơi adj. Lax, loose, not tight.
    • lối n. Path; way; track.
    • lối n. Way (in which something is done); manner; style; fashion.
    • lồi adj. Protruding, jutting or convex.
    • lỗi n. Mistake, fault, error.
    • lời n. Word; utterances.
    • lời n. (Music) words; lyrics.
    • lời n. (Music) a verse.
    • lời Indicates utterances.
    • lời n. Profit, interest.
    • lời n. (Coastal Northern Vietnam, likely obsolete) Alternative form of trời (“sky”).
    • lợi n. Gain, profit, benefit, advantage.
    • lợi n. Gum (the flesh around the teeth).
    • lội v. (Central Vietnam, southern Vietnam) to swim.
    • lội v. To wade through.
    • Lợi prop.n. A male given name from Chinese.
  • Zou
    • loi n. Buffalo.
— English words, defined in French —
  • LOI n. (Marine) Lettre de garantie à l’arrivée.
  • LOI n. (Chimie, Métallurgie) Perte au feu.
— In French —
  • loi n.f. Règle, obligations écrites, prescrites ou tacites, auxquelles…
  • loi n.f. (Droit) Prescription de l’autorité législative (État, jurisprudence…
  • loi n.f. (Par extension) Toute règle qui est reçue dans le pays…
  • loi n.f. Puissance ; autorité.
  • loi n.f. (Religion) Ensemble des règles de conduite émanant de Dieu…
  • loi n.f. (Sciences) Postulat ou énoncé vrai sous certaines conditions.
  • loi n.f. (Mathématiques) Probabilité sur R associée à une variable…
  • loi n.f. (Physique) Ce qui règle l’ordre du monde physique.
  • loi n.f. (Fantastique) L’une des deux forces du monde, relative…
  • loi n.f. (Numismatique) Titre auquel les monnaies doivent être alliées…
  • Loi n.prop.f. (Judaïsme) (au singulier, avec l’article défini le)…
118 English words from 38 English definitions

advantage Alternative Ant argus around bad benefit Blue bring bring␣out bring␣up Buffalo Central Chinese Coastal Colloquial convex core Dialectal done drag Eastern error fashion fault Finnish flesh for form from Front Front␣vowel Gain Genitive given given␣name Good grouper Gum hidden Indicates indicative Initialism insertion intent interest jutting Law Lax letter letter␣of␣intent likely loose lunar lunar␣orbit lyrics male maneuver manner marker Mistake Music name NASA Northern not obsolete orbit out past Path person plural present profit protrude Protruding pull regulation reveal Rule science show singular sky something something␣bad southern space spacecraft space␣science spotted style supposed surname swim teeth terminology that that␣is the Third Third␣person Third-person␣singular through tight track utterances variant verse Vietnam vowel wade wade␣through way which Word words

29 English words from 13 foreign definitions

article conditions dans des Droit Ensemble est extension Fantastique feu forces jurisprudence les Lettre Marine monde obligations ordre Par pays physique Prescription Puissance relative Religion Sciences sous Titre variable

1 foreign word from 38 English definitions


48 foreign words from 13 foreign definitions

alliées arrivée article␣défini associée au␣feu auquel autorité auxquelles avec Ce␣qui certaines Chimie conduite défini deux Dieu doivent du␣monde écrites émanant énoncé État être garantie Judaïsme législative Lettre␣de␣garantie L’une Mathématiques Métallurgie monnaies Numismatique Par␣extension Perte Perte␣au␣feu Postulat prescrites Probabilité qui reçue règle règles singulier sur tacites Toute une vrai

64 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

loid loin loir Loir Lois LOIs loial loids loike LOINC Loing loins loipe Loire loirs loided Loikaw loikes loimic loined Loiner loipes Loiret loiter loially loialty loiasis loiding Loiners loineye loiters Loiacono loineyes loinskin Loiselle loitered loiterer Loiaconos loialties loimology loincloth loinskins Loiselles loiterers loiterest loitereth loitering loincloths Loir-et-Cher loiterings +14 words

1450 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Aloia aloin Blois Clois cloit eloin oloid -ploid sloid uloid Aloias aloins atloid Beloit Daloia eloign eloins Eloise Eloïse esloin feloid Floian Galois haloid Helois holoic hyloid Iloilo keloid maloik meloid molois obloid oloids ouloid peloid piloid ploidy poloid sploit xyloid acyloin aegloid amiloid amyloid angloid boloing cauloid cheloid chyloid +1400 words

36 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Aloi Eloi auloi baloi Heloi moloi Myloi teloi Helloi Ibaloi oboloi peploi polloi sigloi tholoi diauloi emboloi kotyloi mamaloi Nabaloi papaloi baityloi Inibaloi krobyloi omphaloi periploi armatoloi aryballoi Gasmouloi hoi␣polloi periboloi prostyloi astragaloi pentathloi petroboloi strophaloi

3 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

ILO oil Oli

100 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Aloi bilo Bilo biol biol. boil boli Boli Clio coil Coil coli diol doli Eloi filo Filo foil FOIL gilo glio- goli Hilo hi-lo Holi idol ileo- ilio- illo Ilok ilot Inlo Iola Iolo -itol kilo kilo- liao Liao lido LIFO LIGO lilo LILO Li-Lo limo lino lion Lion Liou +50 words

26 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

IL il- I'l io Io IO i/o io- I/O li Li -li- lo Lo LO 'lo oi Oi OI -oi oi! ol OL -ol ol' Ol.

107 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

Aoi AOI boi Boi BOI COI DOI EOI FOI goi Goi GoI hoi IOI JOI koi KOI lai Lai LCI LDI lei Lei Lei. LGI loa Loa LOA lob Lob LOB loc LoC LOC 'loc loc. lod Lod LoD LOD Lo'd Loe lof log -log Loh LOH lol Lol LoL LOL Lom LOM Lon loo Loo lop Lop LoQ LOQ loq. lor Lor LOs LOS los' lot Lot Lou low Low LOW 'low low% lox LOx LOX loy Loy Loz LoZ LOZ LPI LSI Lui moi MOI mo'i NOI Ooi OOI poi POI P.O.I. Roi RoI ROI soi SOI Toi TOI (+6 words)

12 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

li Li -li- lo Lo LO 'lo oi Oi OI -oi oi!

12 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

lobi loci Lodi Loei lofi lo-fi Logi Loki loli Lori loti Lozi

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