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There are 65 ten-letter words containing AECaeciospore æciospore algaecidal algaecides algæcides apidaecins baecations buchaechum caecectomy caecilians caeciliids caecostomy caecotrope caecotroph colocaecal defaecated defæcated defaecates defæcates defaecator faecaliths fæcaliths faecalomas faecaluria faecoliths fæcoliths faeculence fæculence Gallaecian Græcaster graecicize Graecicize graecising Graecising graecismus graecizing Graecizing gynaeceums gynæceums haecceitic Haeckelian Haeckelism ileocaecal ileocaecum Maecenases mesocaecum Nueva␣Ecija paracaecal paramaecia postcaecal præcedent præceding præcentor præceptor præcincts præcipice præcisely præcluded præcludes praecocial praecordia praecornua praecuneus præcursor venae␣cavae
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