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There are 1149 ten-letter words containing ANC(page 5) Swiss␣franc sycophancy synanceiid synthdance table␣dance Tainan␣City Talamancan Tanchangya tapdancers tap-dancers tap␣dancers tapdancing tap-dancing tap␣dancing tarriances taxi-dancer taxi␣dancer taxi␣dances telavancin temperance Temperance temperancy tendancies termagancy Tersanctus Titan␣crane toedancing toe-dancing toe␣dancing toleranced tolerances torquances trancecore trance␣gate trancelike trance-like trancester trancestor trancework Tranchinas Travancore tree-branch trenchancy trepidancy trivacancy tulpamancy umbramancy unadvanced unanchored unbalanced unbalances unblanched unbranched un-branched unbuoyancy uncanceled undancerly unenhanced unfanciful unfinanced unisonance unpenanced unreliance unromanced unsanctify unsanctity unstanched upbuoyance upglancing ur-ancestor Ur-ancestor uranomancy urban␣crawl Urbanczyks urinomancy utteranced utterances vacillancy vagrancies valiancies vanbulance Vance␣Creek Vancleaves vancomycin vancourier van-courier variancies veil␣dances vengeances verdancies veteran␣car vibrancies vicariance vigilances villancico wambulance wanchances werowances West␣Branch wide␣stance wiredancer wire-dancer woman␣caves womanchild woman-child woman␣child wonderance zygobranch Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
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