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There are 168 nine-letter words containing APTAC␣adapter adaptable adaptably adaptamer adaptated adaptates adaptions adaptness adaptogen adaptomic anaptotic anaptychi anaptyxes anaptyxis aptagrams aptameric aptatopes aptazymes apterates apterygid apteryxes aptiganel aptitudes aptnesses aptocaine aptronyms aptyalism arfaptins asynaptic auraptene baptisand baptisias baptising baptismal Baptistes baptistic baptistry baptizand baptizees baptizers baptizeth baptizing bergapten bergaptol cap␣tables captacula captaincy captained captaines captainly captainry captation captative captaynes captioned captioner captivate captively captiving captivity captology captopril capturers capturest captureth capturing chaptered chaptrels claptraps cloudcapt cloud-capt coadapted coaptated coaptates cocaptain cocapture CRAPTCHAs deadapted de-adapted debaptism debaptize diaptomid encaption encapture enrapture faptastic flaptrack gap␣theory haptenate haptenise haptenize hapterons hapticity haptonema haptonomy hexaptych inaptness kataptron kinohapts lactaptin Laptev␣Sea laptopped maladapts mercaptal mercaptan misadapts napththyl neaptides neap␣tides nonhaptic nonlaptop osmoadapt overadapt overleapt overwrapt oviraptor oviscapte ozraptors paraptera preadapts prohaptor raptastic raptatory raptivist raptorial raptorish rapturing rapturise rapturist rapturize rapturous readapted re-adapted rebaptise rebaptism rebaptize recaption recaptive recaptors recapture Sahaptian Sahaptins Saptagram scaptions scraptiid Scraptoft se-baptist snap␣traps soap␣tests soaptrees soap␣trees swaptions synaptase synaptids synaptome tap-tackle tolvaptan traptamer unadapted unaptness unbaptise unbaptism unbaptize uncapture usucapted usucaptor ybaptized zaptieths
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