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There are 14 words containing ASIPHasiphonate asiphonates basipharyngeal basiphilous basiphobia intrasiphuncular Pasiphae Pasiphaë pasiphaeid pasiphaeids soda␣siphon soda␣siphons stasibasiphobia stasiphobia 16 definitions found- asiphonate — adj. (Zoology) Lacking a siphon or breathing tube. — n. (Zoology) Any mollusk lacking a siphon or breathing tube.
- asiphonates — n. Plural of asiphonate.
- basipharyngeal — adj. Relating to, or located at the base of the pharynx.
- basiphilous — adj. (Botany, of a plant) That thrives in basic (alkaline) soil.
- basiphobia — n. Alternative form of basophobia.
- intrasiphuncular — adj. Within the siphuncle.
- Pasiphae — prop.n. (Greek mythology) The daughter of Helios and the sister… — prop.n. (Astronomy) One of the moons of Jupiter.
- Pasiphaë — prop.n. (Astronomy) One of the moons of Jupiter.
- pasiphaeid — n. (Zoology) Any shrimp in the family Pasiphaeidae.
- pasiphaeids — n. Plural of pasiphaeid.
- soda␣siphon — n. A stout glass bottle containing soda water under pressure…
- soda␣siphons — n. Plural of soda siphon.
- stasibasiphobia — n. (Psychiatry) The fear of standing and walking.
- stasiphobia — n. (Rare) A morbid fear of standing upright.
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