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There are 12 words containing ANTIRATantirat —— antirattle —— antirattler —— antirational antirattlers antirattling —— antirationing —— antirationalism antirationalist antirationality —— antirationalists —— antirationalistic 14 definitions found- antirat — adj. Opposing rats. — adj. (Immunology) Describing an antibody, resident in a human…
- antirattle — adj. Preventing a rattling noise.
- antirattler — n. A device designed to silence the rattling noise of some other component.
- antirational — adj. Lacking or (especially) opposed to reason and rational thought.
- antirattlers — n. Plural of antirattler.
- antirattling — adj. Preventing a rattling noise.
- antirationing — adj. Opposing rationing.
- antirationalism — n. (Philosophy) The philosophical position that opposes rationalism.
- antirationalist — adj. (Philosophy) Opposing philosophical rationalism. — n. (Philosophy) One who rejects philosophical rationalism.
- antirationality — n. The quality of being antirational.
- antirationalists — n. Plural of antirationalist.
- antirationalistic — adj. (Philosophy) Opposing rationalism.
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 4 words
- French Wiktionary: 6 words
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