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There are 10 words containing AFFORDABaffordabilities affordability affordable affordables affordably semiaffordable semi-affordable unaffordability unaffordable unaffordably 10 definitions found- affordabilities — n. Plural of affordability.
- affordability — n. The extent to which something is affordable, as measured by…
- affordable — adj. Able to be afforded; inexpensive or reasonably priced.
- affordables — n. (Rare) Anything that is affordable.
- affordably — adv. In an affordable manner; to an affordable degree.
- semiaffordable — adj. Expensive but affordable if one stretches one’s resources.
- semi-affordable — adj. Alternative form of semiaffordable.
- unaffordability — n. The state or condition of being unaffordable.
- unaffordable — adj. Too expensive to be afforded.
- unaffordably — adv. To a degree that is unaffordable; in an unreasonably expensive manner.
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 6 words
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