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There are 50 ten-letter words containing BBAAbbassides abbatesses Abbatiello Babbacombe cabbage␣fly cabbage␣gum cabbalised cabbalises cabbalisms cabbalists cabbalized cabbalizes dabbawalas dabbawalla dumb␣barges ebb␣and␣flow gobbaloons gubbamints hobbadehoy hubba-hubba hubba␣hubba Hubbardian hubbardiid kabbalists red␣cabbage Sabbateans Sabbath-day Sabbathism Sabbathize Sabbatians sabbatical Sabbatical sabbatised sabbatises Sabbatists sabbatized sabbatizes scabbarded Scialabbas scrubbable sea␣cabbage shabbatons subbailiff subbarrier subbarrios subbasally subbatches unscabbard Zabbaleens Zerubbabel
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