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There are 171 words containing CATTEantiscatter autoscattering backscatter backscattered backscatterer backscatterers backscattering backscatterings backscatters ballicatter ballicatters bescatter bescattered bescattering bescatters bowcatted Bragg␣scattering Bragg␣scatterings catte catted cattee cattees cattel Cattell Cattellian Cattells cattelo catteloes Catterall Catteralls Catterick catteries Cattermole Catterson Cattersons Catterton Cattertons cattery cattes cattess cattesses Cattewater Compton␣scattering copycatted copycatter copycatters deep␣scattering␣layer Mie␣scattering Møller␣scattering neutron␣scattering nonscattered outscatter outscattered outscattering outscatters overscattered overscattering Raman␣scattering Rayleigh␣scattering Rayleigh␣scatterings rescatter rescattered rescattering rescatterings rescatters scatted scatter scatterable scatteration scatterations scatter␣band scatter␣bands scatterbrain scatterbrained scatter-brained scatterbrainedness scatterbrains scatter␣buffet scatter␣buffets scatter'd scattered scattered␣disc scattered␣disc␣object scattered␣disc␣objects scatteredly scatteredness scattered␣shower scattered␣showers scatterer scatterers scatterest scattereth scatter/gather scattergood Scattergood scattergoods scattergram scattergrams scattergraph scattergraphs scattergun scatter-gun scatter␣gun scatterguns scatter-guns scatter␣guns scatterhoard scatterhoarded scatterhoarder scatterhoarders scatterhoarding scatter␣hoarding scatterhoards scattering scattering␣function scattering␣functions scatteringly scatterings scatterling scatterlings scattermouch scattermouches scatterogram scatterograms scatterometer scatterometers scatterometric scatterometry scatterplot scatter␣plot scatterplots scatter␣plots scatterplotted scatterplotting scatterpoint scatter␣point scatterpoints scatter␣points scatter␣rug scatter␣rugs scatters scattershot scatter␣site scatter␣sites scattersome scatter-stories scatter-story scattery sidescatter superscatterer superscatterers superscattering tomcatted Tomcatter Tomcatters troposcatter tropospheric␣scatter tropospheric␣scatters Tyndall␣scattering Umklapp␣scattering Umklapp␣scatterings unscattered upscatter upscattered upscattering upscatterings upscatters urban␣scattering wildcatted wildcatter wildcatters
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 53 words
- French Wiktionary: 29 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: 74 words
- German Wiktionary: no word
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 2 words
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