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There are 205 eleven-letter words containing DENTaccidentals accidentary accidentily age␣identity antecedents antidentite antistudent apicodental art␣students bidentalian bidentately bioidentity codependent co-dependent coincidents confidentes confidently contendents copresident coresidents credentials decadentism dedentation dedentition dental␣crown dental␣drill dental␣floss dentalising dentalizing dentary␣bone dentate␣gyri denticities denticulate dentiferous dentifrices dentigerous dentilabial dentilation dentillated dentinomata dentiparous dentiphones dentiroster dentiscalps dentistical dentistlike dentistress dentistries dentitional dentofacial dentolabial Dentonholme Denton␣Holme dentophobia dependently descendents diffidently disidentify dissidently durodentine e-identities evidentials evidentiary evidentiate evidentness ex-president goldentails golden␣toads golden␣touch grad␣student guldentaler heldentenor hexadentate hidden␣taxes identically identifiees identifiers identifyees identifying improvident imprudently impudentest incidentals inconfident indentation indentments indentureds indenturees indenturers indenturing independent infradental intercadent intercedent intercident interdental interdentil intradental irredentism irredentist Irredentist labiodental malaccident miscredents misidentify monodentate Mr␣President Mr.␣President Ms␣President Ms.␣President mud␣students nanoindents nonaccident nondecadent nondentists nonidentity nonincident nonresident non-resident nonstudents nordentatin nuée␣ardente occidentals octadentate octodentate orthodentin overdenture paradentary pendentives peridentate polydentate postdentary præcedents præsidents precedental precedented precedently preincident prescindent presidented pretendents procidentia providently prudentials rastodentid reindenting reindenture residenters residential residentura resplendent respondents retrocedent rezidentura rodentborne rodenticide rodentology rodentproof scandentian sedentarian sedentaries sedentarily sedentarise sedentarism sedentarize self-evident semidentine semipendent snaccidents splendently student␣body studenthood student␣hour Student␣Hour studentised studentized studentizes studentless studentlike student␣loan studentries studentship subdentated subidentity subincident subtendents supradental tendentious The␣Accident transondent tridentated trident␣bats Tridentines tridentlike unconfident undependent undiffident unidentated unidentical unidentifed unindenting unprecedent unprovident unsedentary vasodentine
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