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There are 12 words containing DECIDEDdecided decidedly decidedness decideds misdecided predecided redecided undecided undecidedly undecidedness undecideds underdecided 17 definitions found- decided — v. Simple past tense and past participle of decide. — adj. Determined; resolute. — adj. Clear; unmistakable.
- decidedly — adv. In a manner which leaves little question; definitely, clearly. — adv. In a decided or final manner; resolutely.
- decidedness — n. The state or quality of being decided.
- decideds — n. Plural of decided.
- misdecided — v. Simple past tense and past participle of misdecide.
- predecided — adj. Having decided or been decided in advance.
- redecided — v. Simple past tense and past participle of redecide.
- undecided — adj. Open and not yet settled or determined. — adj. Uncommitted, not having reached a decision. — n. A voter etc. who has not yet come to a decision.
- undecidedly — adv. In an undecided manner.
- undecidedness — n. The quality of being undecided.
- undecideds — n. Plural of undecided.
- underdecided — adj. (Rare) Insufficiently decided; too undecided.
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