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There are 147 eleven-letter words containing EFFaftereffect after-effect Allee␣effect Auger␣effect best␣efforts bioeffector bioefficacy Bruce␣effect cheffoniers chodneffite cobra␣effect coeffective coefficient coëfficient crossreffed decoy␣effect Dieffenbach dosis-effect Dr.␣Fox␣effect edge␣effects effacements effæminacy eff␣and␣blind effascinate effectivate effectively effectivity effectivize effectivley effectomics effectorome effect␣sizes effects␣unit effectually effectuated effectuates effeminated effeminates effeminised effeminises effeminists effeminized effeminizes efferocytes efferocytic efferosomes effervesced effervesces efficacious efficiences efficiently effigiating effigiation efflagitate effleuraged effleurages effloresced effloresces effluencies effluviable effluviated effluviates effodicated effodicates effœminacy effœminate effoliation efformation effortfully effortposts effractions effranchise effrenation effulgences effulgently effumations effuscation ELIZA␣effect end-effector Fano␣effects field␣effect Flynn␣effect Forer␣effect Haas␣effects Hall␣effects halo␣effects Heffingtons IKEA␣effects ineffective ineffectual inefficient intereffect jeffersonia kappa␣effect keffekilite Kondratieff lake␣effects Land␣effects Leffingwell legal␣effect Lindy␣effect Llansteffan Loeffelholz lotus␣effect mass␣effects mischiefful Moncrieffes Mould␣effect Mutt-and-Jeff Mutt␣and␣Jeff Nader␣effect noceffector nonefficacy noneffluent noneffusion Oprah␣effect Payne␣effect Perky␣effect Pfefferkorn pfeffernuss photoeffect pinch␣effect radioefflux Raman␣effect Root␣effects scheffleras Schrefflers Sheffielder side-effects side␣effects Simon␣effect Skeffington skin␣effects snob␣effects sound␣effect spot␣effects squat␣effect stack␣effect Stark␣effect Suess␣effect to␣the␣effect trans␣effect uneffective uneffectual unefficient vital␣effect wick␣effects
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