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There are 123 nine-letter words containing EMICacademick academics acidaemic aglycemic aleukemic alkalemic ammonemic anæmical anathemic anoxaemic anthemics apodemics aviraemic aviremics azotaemic blastemic cachaemic calcaemic chemicals chemicked cholaemic chronemic classemic coendemic copraemic emication emictions endemical endemicks epidemick epidemics epistemic erythemic eukalemic euvolemic femicidal femicides femicunts fungaemic geochemic glycaemic godemiche grammemic graphemic hemicarps hemiclits hemiclone hemicolon hemicords hemicrany hemicrypt hemicubes hemicycle homosemic house␣mice hydraemic hyperemic hypoxemic infodemic ischaemic ischæmic ketonemic leucaemic leukaemic leukemics limnæmic lipidemic lithaemic melanemic Mesokemic monohemic monosemic morphemic motifemic myxedemic nonanemic nonuremic normaemic oligaemic pandemics paranemic phonemics phrasemic pingdemic plandemic polemical polemicks polydemic polysemic proxemics Remicourt sable␣mice sapraemic scamdemic semichild semi-chubs semiclear semicokes semi-cokes semicolon semi-colon semicomas semicomic semicones semiconic semicroma semicrome semicupia shamdemic sicklemic spanaemic syndemics systemics tagmemics theoremic totemical tridemics tularemic twindemic uricaemic urinaemic viraemics virusemic
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