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There are 20 words containing EGMIapothegmic bitegmic crommyoxyregmia dephlegming endotegmic exotegmic mesotegmic phlegmier phlegmiest phlegmily phlegminess phlegmish Regmi Regmis Seegmiller Seegmillers tegmic tegmina tegminal unitegmic 21 definitions found- apothegmic — adj. Apothegmatic.
- bitegmic — adj. Having or pertaining to two integuments.
- crommyoxyregmia — n. (Medicine, dated, very rare) Sour, fetid eructations, resembling…
- dephlegming — v. Present participle of dephlegm.
- endotegmic — adj. (Botany) Pertaining to the inner epidermis of the integument.
- exotegmic — adj. (Botany) Pertaining to the outer portion of the integument.
- mesotegmic — adj. (Botany) Pertaining to the middle of the integument as opposed…
- phlegmier — adj. Comparative form of phlegmy: more phlegmy.
- phlegmiest — adj. Superlative form of phlegmy: most phlegmy.
- phlegmily — adv. (Rare) In a phlegmy way.
- phlegminess — n. The quality of being phlegmy.
- phlegmish — adj. Laden with phlegm, as a cough. — adj. Characterized by the humor phlegm; apathetic or composed.
- Regmi — prop.n. A surname from Nepali.
- Regmis — prop.n. Plural of Regmi.
- Seegmiller — prop.n. A surname.
- Seegmillers — prop.n. Plural of Seegmiller.
- tegmic — adj. Relating to a tegmen or integument.
- tegmina — n. Plural of tegmen.
- tegminal — adj. Relating to a tegmen.
- unitegmic — adj. Having or pertaining to a single integument.
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 4 words
- French Wiktionary: 10 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: 5 words
- German Wiktionary: 1 word
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 10 words
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