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There are 14 words containing ENOPHAGarsenophage arsenophages arsenophagy lichenophagous lichenophagy pollenophagous solenophage solenophages solenophagic solenophagous stenophagous stenophagy xenophagic xenophagy 15 definitions found- arsenophage — n. One who eats arsenic.
- arsenophages — n. Plural of arsenophage.
- arsenophagy — n. The practice of eating arsenic.
- lichenophagous — adj. That feeds on lichen.
- lichenophagy — n. The condition of being lichenophagous.
- pollenophagous — adj. (Biology) That feeds on pollen.
- solenophage — n. (Biology) Any solenophagous (feeding directly on blood vessels) organism.
- solenophages — n. Plural of solenophage.
- solenophagic — adj. Relating to a solenophage.
- solenophagous — adj. Feeding directly on blood from blood vessels.
- stenophagous — adj. (Ecology) Feeding on a limited variety of food.
- stenophagy — n. Eating just a few types of food, generally all of similar types…
- xenophagic — adj. Exhibiting or relating to xenophagy.
- xenophagy — n. (Entomology) A categorical change in diet, such as a herbivore… — n. (Microbiology) The process by which a cell directs autophagy…
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