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There are 112 eleven-letter words containing GRAPHSadoxographs Agamographs alveographs amylographs anemographs angiographs astrographs audiographs block␣graphs braingraphs brain␣graphs calligraphs capnographs cartographs cervigraphs chinagraphs chirographs choregraphs chorographs climagraphs climographs collagraphs crown␣graphs curvographs cyanographs cyclographs dictagraphs dictographs diplographs dittographs dromographs empty␣graphs graph␣states haplographs hectographs hektographs heliographs hierographs histographs homeographs hyalographs hydrographs hyetographs hygrographs hypergraphs iconographs jellygraphs Kaumagraphs kineographs limnographs lithographs macrographs mammographs mareographs metrographs mezzographs micrographs mimeographs Moore␣graphs multigraphs nephographs noctographs orthographs paleographs pallographs pantagraphs pantographs partographs pelvigraphs pentagraphs pentegraphs petrographs phonographs photographs pictographs planigraphs planographs pornographs protographs radiographs raphigraphs readographs rectagraphs Rectigraphs scenegraphs scenographs scotographs seriographs sillographs sismographs slopegraphs sociographs solargraphs spirographs Spirographs stenographs stylographs subdigraphs supergraphs tachographs tachygraphs tetragraphs tremographs Turán␣graphs ultragraphs variographs vectographs vibrographs videographs vortographs zincographs zodiographs
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 36 words
- French Wiktionary: no word
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 1 word
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: no word
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