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There are 16 words containing HATSWthat's␣why —— Chatswong hat␣switch what's␣what what's␣with —— Chatsworth —— hat␣switches that's␣wassup —— that's␣what's␣up —— know␣what's␣what —— Bophuthatswana that's␣what␣I␣call —— Bophuthatswanan that's␣what␣he␣said —— that's␣what␣she␣said —— now␣that's␣what␣I␣call 22 definitions found- that's␣why — adv. A statement to emphasise the reason or explanation just given.
- Chatswong — prop.n. (Slang) The Sydney suburb of Chatswood, known for its…
- hat␣switch — n. (Video games) A control on some joysticks, used to manipulate…
- what's␣what — n. (Idiomatic) Precisely what the situation really is or what…
- what's␣with — phr. (Colloquial, sometimes rhetorical question) What is wrong with. — phr. (Colloquial, sometimes rhetorical question) What is the reason for.
- Chatsworth — prop.n. A civil parish in and around Chatsworth House, Derbyshire… — prop.n. A town near Gympie, Queensland, Australia. — prop.n. A township and village in Grey County, Ontario, Canada.
- hat␣switches — n. Plural of hat switch.
- that's␣wassup — phr. Alternative form of that’s what’s up (“that’s true”). — phr. (Slang) This is excellent; this is cool. Used to express approval.
- that's␣what's␣up — phr. (Slang) Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see… — phr. (Slang) Used to express acquiescence or concurrence; true; indeed.
- know␣what's␣what — v. Alternative form of know what is what.
- Bophuthatswana — prop.n. (Historical) A former bantustan in the northwestern region…
- that's␣what␣I␣call — phr. (Emphatic) Used to express that the thing in question is an ideal example.
- Bophuthatswanan — adj. Of or relating to Bophuthatswana. — n. A native or inhabitant of Bophuthatswana.
- that's␣what␣he␣said — phr. A male equivalent of that’s what she said, in which the joke…
- that's␣what␣she␣said — phr. (US, humorous, idiomatic) A joking retort, intended to draw…
- now␣that's␣what␣I␣call — phr. Alternative form of that’s what I call.
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