List of 12-letter words containing Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a fifth letter
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There are 132 twelve-letter words containing ICTIabstrictions adstrictions afflictingly afflictively anapodeictic antieviction antifriction apodeictical apodicticity autofictions Benedictines benedictions benedictives conflictions constricting constriction constrictive convictional convictively coonvictions crucifiction cyberfiction cybervictims DeBenedictis derelictions devictimized devictimizes dictionarian dictionaried dictionaries dictionarily dictionarist docufictions docu-fictions electric␣tits epideictical faanfictions faan␣fictions fallen␣victim fictionalise fictionalism fictionalist fictionality fictionalize fictionaries fictionising fictionistic fictionizing fictitiously flash␣fiction frictionally friction␣burn friction␣drum frictionless friction␣pile genre␣fiction geologic␣time hyperfiction ictidorhinid ictiogenesis interdicting interdiction interdictive jurisdiction jurisdictive legal␣fiction macrofiction macro-fiction maledictions metafictions metamictized metamictizes microfiction micro-fiction monopnictide nanofriction nictitations nonaddicting non-addicting nonaddictive nonfictional obstrictions oxopnictides oxypnictides perfrictions petrofiction Pictish␣tower pious␣fiction platystictid postdictions prædictions predeliction predictingly predictional predictively predictivity prestriction reafflicting reconvicting reconviction redepictions reinflicting reinfliction renovictions restrictions restrictives retrodicting retrodiction retrodictive revictimised revictimises revictimized revictimizer revictimizes slash␣fiction subaddictive unafflicting unconvicting unfictitious unpredicting unpredictive unvictimized unvindictive valedictions veridictions victim-blamed victim-blames victim-blamey victimizable victimologic vindictively weird␣fiction
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