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There are 14 words containing LATENTlatent —— latents —— latently —— blatently —— antilatent latent␣heat latentness semilatent —— latent␣heats latent␣print —— thermolatent —— latent␣variable —— latent␣variables —— latent␣fingerprint 18 definitions found- latent — adj. Existing or present but concealed or inactive. — adj. (Pathology, of a virus) remaining in an inactive or hidden phase; dormant. — adj. (Biology) lying dormant or hidden until circumstances are…
- latents — n. Plural of latent.
- latently — adv. In a latent manner. — adv. Secretly. — adv. Invisibly.
- blatently — adv. Misspelling of blatantly.
- antilatent — adj. Describing an antibody to a latent antigen.
- latent␣heat — n. (Physics) the heat that is released or absorbed accompanying…
- latentness — n. The quality of being latent.
- semilatent — adj. Partially latent.
- latent␣heats — n. Plural of latent heat.
- latent␣print — n. Alternative form of latent fingerprint.
- thermolatent — adj. Revealed or released when heated.
- latent␣variable — n. (Statistics) A variable that is not directly measured but is…
- latent␣variables — n. Plural of latent variable.
- latent␣fingerprint — n. A fingerprint that is not fully visible or analyzable but can…
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