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There are 6719 nine-letter words containing NTabasement abashment abatement abat-vents abdicants abducents abenteric aberrants abetments abfrontal abhorment abhorrant abhorrent abiliment abjointed abodement abortient abortment aboundant abradants absentees absenters absentest absenteth absential absenting absinthes absinthic absinthin absinthol absolvent absorbant absorbent abstinent Abstinent absynthes abundaunt abusement abutments acanthads acanthial acanthine acanthion acanthite acanthoid acanthoma acanthopt acanthors acanthous accenting accentism accentors accent␣tag accentual acceptant accidents accipient accolents accordant accounted accounter account␣of account␣to accrument accumbant accumbent accusants α-Centauri acentrics acentrous acescents acetylant acidulant acidulent acing␣into aclantate acontiate acontiums acquaints acrodonts acrodonty actantial activants acupoints Ada␣County adamantly adamantyl adamently adapedont adaunting addiments addlement adhærent adherents adiantoid adiantums Adigranth Adi␣Granth ad␣interim adjacents adjoinant adjointly adjuments adjutants adjuvants admontite adnascent Adorantes adorement adornment adsorbant adsorbent aduantage aduenture adumbrant advantage advantame advenient Adventism Adventist adventive adventral adventual adventure advertent aegrotant aerobiont afferents affirmant affixment affluents affordant affronted affrontee affrontée affronter affrontes affulgent Africunts agenthood agentives agentless agent␣noun agentries agentship aggregant agistment agmantine agony␣aunt Agramonte agreement agrements agréments agribiont Agrigento agrobiont aha␣moment aha!␣moment ailanthus aimpoints air␣intake airplants air␣plants AI␣winters akanthion akontings albescent alcantara Alcantars Alentejan alentemol alignment alimental alimented alinement alintatao aliquants all'antica allantoic allantoid allantoin allantois allayment allegiant Allentiac Allentown alleviant allicient allotment allowment alloyants all-points alt-center alterants alternant Altyn␣Tagh alyauntes alyauntis amaranths amarantus amassment amazement ambiently ambulants amendment Americunt amianthus amidantel amounteth amounting A-movement amplicant amusement anabantid anafronts Anantapur ananthous ancienter anciently ancientry andantino Andrepont anentropy anisodont annectant annectent annexment annin␣tofu annointed annoyment annuitant annulment anodontia anointeds anointees anointers anointest anointeth anointing anomodont anovulant antabuses Antabuses antagomir antagonym Antakiyeh antalgics antalkali antapical antapices antarctic Antarctic Antareans Antarians Antartica ant␣beetle ant␣cattle anteaters ant-eaters anteating anteceded antecedes antechoir antecians anteclise antecosta antecryst antecubal antedated antedater antedates antedonid antefacts antefixae antefixal antefixes antefixum antefurca antegrade antehuman anteing␣in anteing-up anteing␣up antelabra Antelmans antelopes antelucan antemetic antemural antenatal antennaed antennary antennate Pages: 1 2 3 4 ••• 24
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