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There are 14 words containing NCURIuncuring zincuria —— incurious uncurious —— noncurious pancurious pan-curious —— incuriosity incuriously uncuriosity uncuriously —— hyperzincuria incuriousness uncuriousness 16 definitions found- uncuring — v. Present participle of uncure.
- zincuria — n. (Pathology) The (normal or abnormal) presence of zinc ions in the urine.
- incurious — adj. Lacking interest or curiosity; uninterested. — adj. Apathetic or indifferent.
- uncurious — adj. Incurious; not eager to learn or find answers. — adj. Not odd; not strange.
- noncurious — adj. Not curious; uninquisitive.
- pancurious — adj. (Sexology) Exhibiting a state of uncertainty about one’s…
- pan-curious — adj. Alternative form of pancurious.
- incuriosity — n. The quality or state of lacking curiosity.
- incuriously — adv. In an incurious manner.
- uncuriosity — n. The quality of being uncurious.
- uncuriously — adv. In an uncurious manner.
- hyperzincuria — n. (Pathology) An excessive amount of zinc ions in the urine.
- incuriousness — n. The state of being incurious; indifference or apathy.
- uncuriousness — n. The quality of being uncurious.
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- Spanish Wiktionary: 7 words
- Italian Wiktionary: 46 words
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