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There are 188 eleven-letter words containing OOFairproofing alkaliproof aloofnesses antproofing babyproofed babyproofer barrel␣roofs bearproofed beat␣the␣hoof bombproofed bugproofing built-up␣roof bulletproof bullet-proof bullyproofs cannonproof catproofing cattleproof childproofs chillproofs creaseproof crimeproofs criticproof Crossmyloof daggerproof dampproofed dampproofer devil's␣proof dogproofing draftproofs dragonproof drownproofs drugproofed dummyproofs dummy-proofs empty-hoofed fireproofed flameproofs floodproofs foo␣fighters foo-foo␣bands foo-foo␣juice foolproofed foolproofly foxproofing freezeproof French␣roofs frostproofs fungusproof futureproof future-proof future␣proof galley␣proof gambrel␣roof going␣too␣far goofballery go␣off␣the␣res goofiest␣ahh goofinesses goofishness goofs␣around greaseproof hackerproof hackproofed hazardproof heatproofed hipped␣roofs hits␣the␣roof hoofprinted horse's␣hoofs idiotproofs idiot-proofs India␣proofs insectproof insultproof kidproofing lantern␣roof leakproofed living␣proof mansard␣roof mildewproof mothproofed mothproofer musketproof needleproof noiseproofs oilproofing otto␣of␣roses overproofed peaked␣roofs pestproofed photo-offset pilferproof pitched␣roof pollenproof poofterhood press␣proofs proof␣charge proof␣houses proof␣leaves prooflessly prooflisten proof␣of␣burn proof␣of␣life proof-of-work proof␣of␣work proofreader proof-reader proof␣reader proofsheets proof␣sheets proof␣spirit proof␣system prooftexted pyramid␣roof quakeproofs rabbitproof rabbit-proof rainproofed rainproofer rattleproof Red␣Roof␣Inns review-proof robberproof rodentproof roofing␣bone roofing␣nail roof␣rabbits roof␣squares rooftoppers rooftopping rotproofing rustproofed saddle␣roofs sailorproof sailor-proof scorchproof sermon-proof shockproofs shoofly␣pies shoo-fly␣pies showerproof shrinkproof smoke␣proofs smudgeproof snatchproof sneezeproof snowproofed social␣proof soundproofs splashproof splash-proof square␣roofs squeakproof stainproofs staticproof strainproof streetproof stressproof summerproof tamperproof tangleproof tattoo␣flash thornproofs threatproof thrillproof tin␣roof␣pies underproofs unfireproof unproofread unspoofable vandalproof Vanderhoofs verminproof visionproof wampahoofus warp␣and␣woof waterproofs weaponproof wetproofing whiffenpoof Whiffenpoof whoofle␣dust windproofed winterproof woof␣tickets worldproofs zombieproof
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 24 words
- French Wiktionary: 16 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 3 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: 1 word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 186 words
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