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There are 231 eleven-letter words containing OPHAacridophagi Acridophagi actinophage aerophagist aerophagous agitophasia algophagous allophanate amylophagia amylophagic androphagia angelophany aphidophagy apophatisms apostrophal ariophantid arsenophage arsenophagy artophagous autophagies autophagins autophagous autophanous benthophage bibliophage bibliophagy biopharming borophagine borophagous cellophaned cellophanes ceratophagy chlorophane chromophane chronophage chrysophane colophanies coprophagan coprophages coprophagia coprophagic creophagist creophagous crinophagic crownophane cryptophane cyanophages cyclophanes cymophanous cytophagous cytopharynx dendrophagy diophantine Diophantine diplophases diplophasic drop␣hammers durophagous ectophagous ectophallic ectophallus embryophagy endophagous endophallic endophallus enterophage entomophagy erisophakes esophagical esophagitis fluorophage foliophages furophanate geophagines geophagists glaucophane glottophagy haplophases haplophasic heirophants helicophagy hematophage hematophagy hemophagous heterophagy heterophane heterophase hierophancy hierophanic hierophants hippophages hyalophagia hyalophanes hydrophanes hylophagous hypopharynx idiophanous ileophagous iliophagous indenophane jatrophanes jumbophages keratophagy kreophagist lepidophage lepidophagy leucophanes lignophagia lithophanes lotophagous luteophanol macrophagal macrophages macrophagic macrophases malacophagy mallophagan mammophants melanophage melanophagy mesophalanx mesopharynx microphages microphakia microphakic microphases midprophase monophagian monophagism monophagous musophagids mycetophage mycetophagy mycophagist mycophagous nasopharynx necrophagan necrophages necrophagia necrophagic nephrophane normophagic Northop␣Hall nucleophagy odynophagia odynophagic oesophageal œsophageal oesophagean œsophagean oligophages omophagists onychophagy ophiophages oseophageal osteophagia ostreophage paedophages palynophagy pantophagic phenophases Pherophatta phloeophagy photophases photophasic phyllophagy phytophagan phytophages phytophagic pneumophage poltophagic preprophase proctophagy prophalloin pseudophake pseudophase psomophagic psychophant pyrophanite pyrophanous radiophares rhabdophane roseophages rypophagous saprophagan saprophages saprophagic sarcophagal sarcophagan sarcophagic sarcophagid sarcophagus satanophany scatophages scatophagia scatophagid scotophases scotophasic sialophagia siderophage simiophagic siphophages solenophage sycophantcy sycophanted sycophantic sycophantly sycophantry symbiophagy syncophants tectophases telmophages telmophagic theophanies Theophanies thiophanate top-hat␣plans tristrophae trophophase tryptophane tryptophans uranophanes velopharynx vibriophage xanthophane Xenophanean xerophagies xylophagaid xylophagans xylophagids xylophagous
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 61 words
- French Wiktionary: 168 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 17 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 4 words
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