List of 11-letter words containing Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a fifth letter
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There are 100 eleven-letter words containing ORDSaction␣words babble-words babble␣words bags␣of␣words banner␣lords barre␣chords Benford's␣law Blatchfords bord␣service Brailsfords Bridgefords broadswords broad␣swords brunch␣words bungee␣cords choice␣words clarichords clavichords Clovenfords Commerfords court␣swords cross␣swords crutchwords crutch␣words cycle␣chords data␣records doublewords douchelords dragonlords enneachords fairy␣swords feudal␣lords fossil␣words glasschords glue␣records gold␣records greatswords harpsicords having␣words heptachords Hungerfords loaded␣words Lord␣of␣Lords Lord's␣Prayer Lord's␣Supper Lyndon␣words magic␣swords major␣chords mark␣my␣words minor␣chords misericords needlecords neurochords ninja␣swords ninth␣chords nuchal␣cords Oxfordshire Oxford␣shoes pentachords pillow␣words play␣of␣words play␣on␣words power␣chords pseudowords Retherfords rock␣records russel␣cords rutherfords Sanderfords shortswords short␣swords slash␣chords smallswords spinal␣cords stablefords Stablefords Standifords stomochords Summerfords swordsmiths swordsticks swordstress swordswoman swordswomen tape-records telerecords tetrachords turn␣of␣words Vanderfords vocal␣chords wanderwords wars␣of␣words weasel␣words winged␣words Wonderwords wordshaping wordsmithed word␣squares wordstrings Wordsworths
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 15 words
- French Wiktionary: 20 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 46 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 8 words
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