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There are 59 eighteen-letter words containing OPHAanthropophaginians autolipophagosomes autophagolysosomal autophagolysosomes biopharmaceuticals biopharmacological brachymesophalangy chronopharmacology coloesophagoplasty colo-esophagoplasty colo␣esophagoplasty copromycetophagous craniopharyngiomas cyanobacteriophage elastophagocytoses elastophagocytosis entomonecrophagous entomophytophagous esophagopharyngeal ethnopharmacologic ferrolyomesophases hydroxytryptophans immunopharmacology intraoesophageally laryngopharyngitis lepidopterophagous macroautophagosome macrophanerophytes methoxytryptophans microphanerophytes mycobacteriophages nanopharmaceutical nasopharyngoscopes neuropharmacologic oesophagobronchial oesophagostomiasis opsonophagocytosed opsonophagocytoses opsonophagocytosis opsonophagocytotic orthophasmaviruses paranasopharyngeal pharyngoesophageal phytopharmacologic pseudophacodonesis pseudophakodonesis psychopharmaceutic psychopharmacology saccopharyngiforms salpingopharyngeal salpingopharyngeus sapromycetophagous tonsillopharyngeal toxicopharmacology tracheooesophageal tracheo-oesophageal tryptophan␣synthase velopharyngoplasty zoopharmacological
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 56 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: no word
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 2 words
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