List of 14-letter words containing Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a fifth letter
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There are 66 fourteen-letter words containing PRETfalse␣pretences false␣pretenses interpretament interpretation interpretative interpretesses interpretively interpretivism interpretivist interpretorial misinterpreted misinterpreter none-so-pretties noninterpreted nonpretentious overinterprets preinterpreted pretelegraphic pretenderships pretendingness pretensionless pretensiveness pretergression preterite␣tense pretermination pretermissions preterperfects preterrational preterrestrial preterritorial pretextual␣stop pretheological pretheoretical pre-theoretical pretherapeutic prethermalized prethermalizes pretibial␣fever pretopological pretournaments pre-tournaments pretraditional pretransaction pretranscribed pretransfected pretransformed pretransfusion pretranslation pretranslators pretransmitted pretribulation prettification pretty␣pictures pretty-pretties prettyprinters pretty-printers prettyprinting pretty-printing pretuberculous pretumorigenic pretzelization pretzel␣pillows reinterpreters reinterpreting strangolapreti unpretendingly
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