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There are 96 twelve-letter words containing PAPERasthma␣papers bakery␣papers ballot␣papers banana␣papers Bristol␣paper bromide␣paper butcher␣paper carbon␣papers chattel␣paper Chinese␣paper command␣paper copying␣paper digital␣paper enfaced␣paper filterpapers filter␣papers glasspapered grocery␣paper kitchen␣paper liquid␣papers litmus␣papers marble␣papers newspaperdom newspaperese newspapering newspaperish newspaperism newspaperize newspaperman newspapermen paperbackers paperbacking paper␣bag␣test paper␣ballots paper␣birches paperclipped papercrafter papercutting paper␣cutting paper␣diapers paper␣drivers paper␣enamels paperflowers paper␣flowers paper-folders paperfolding paper␣general paperhangers paperhanging paper␣hunting papering␣over paper␣machine papermakings paper␣muslins paper␣nautili paper␣orphans paper␣profits paper␣punches paper-pushers paper␣sailors paper␣stainer paper␣streets paper␣tickets paper-trained paper␣wallets paperweights paper␣yabbers picture␣paper piece␣of␣paper rolling␣paper safety␣papers sanding␣paper sandpaperers sandpapering sandpaperish scratchpaper scratch␣paper semilog␣paper semi-log␣paper sheet␣of␣paper thermal␣paper threadpapers thread-papers tissue␣papers toilet-papers toilet␣papers torchon␣paper tracing␣paper treacle␣paper two-name␣paper vellum␣papers velvet␣papers wallpaperers wallpapering Whatman␣paper writing␣paper
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 16 words
- French Wiktionary: 11 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: no word
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 2 words
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