List of 13-letter words containing Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a fourth letter
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There are 89 thirteen-letter words containing RMSabsolute␣forms absolute␣terms abstract␣terms anabantiforms anguilliforms argument-forms argument␣forms arms␣factories Armstrong␣guns Armstrong␣line assault␣at␣arms atheriniforms bilinear␣forms biotransforms blatherstorms bootlace␣worms boundary␣terms brother-in-arms burglar␣alarms citation␣forms coming␣to␣terms comrade␣in␣arms concrete␣terms corystosperms countercharms cross␣one's␣arms drug␣wormseeds electrotherms endomesoderms expanded␣forms farmsteadings Foothill␣Farms Frankenstorms gigantotherms glycoisoforms hooligan␣firms incisiviforms mammaliaforms masters-at-arms mesoendoderms nanoplatforms Ocean␣of␣Storms octopodiforms Ormsby␣filters palisade␣worms palisadoderms parasitiforms parthenoforms passage␣of␣arms pelecaniforms percopsiforms perfect␣storms perleidiforms pink␣cornworms piriform␣sinus platform␣scale platform␣shoes poikilotherms pork␣tapeworms porolepiforms printing␣forms pseudoreforms pteridosperms pyriform␣sinus radial␣arm␣saws railroad␣worms reform␣schools sand␣tube␣worms scharm␣squarks speaking␣terms squatiniforms Sturm␣sequence Sturm's␣theorem symmoriiforms terms␣of␣venery thunderstorms thyroid␣storms trachiniforms trombidiforms twitterstorms Twitterstorms umbrella␣terms underconforms underperforms uniform␣spaces warms␣the␣bench work␣platforms worm's-eye␣views worm's␣eye␣views
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 6 words
- French Wiktionary: 2 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 99 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 11 words
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