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There are 122 eleven-letter words containing RESCaccrescence agua␣frescas arborescent arborescing cinerescent concrescent concrescive coprescribe crescendoed crescendoes crescentade crescenting crescentins crescentoid crescograph decrescendi decrescendo decrescents Decrescenzo deprescribe effloresced effloresces excrescence excrescency excrescents fibrescopes firescreens fire␣screens florescence flourescent fluorescein fluorescent fluorescers fluorescing forescented forescreens forescribed forescripts futurescape glabrescent increscents matrescence maturescent naturescape neurorescue nigrescence pararescuer patrescence perhorresce petrescence prescanning prescapular preschedule preschooled preschooler presciences presciently prescindent prescinding prescission prescreened prescribees prescribers prescribest prescribeth prescribing prescripted pre-scrutiny pure␣science putrescence putrescency putrescenes putrescible putrescines queso␣fresco Red␣Crescent represcribe rescannings rescattered rescheduled rescheduler reschedules reschooling rescindable rescindible rescindings rescindment rescinsions rescissions res␣cogitans res␣communis rescrambled rescrambles rescratched rescratches rescreaming rescreening rescribbled rescribbles rescripting rescription rescriptive rescrubbing rescue␣board rescue␣grass resculpting resculpture self-rescuer sonorescent succrescent to␣the␣rescue unprescient unprescribe unrescinded unrescuable vaporescent virescences virescently vitrescence vitrescency vitrescible zingarescas
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