List of 13-letter words containing Rapid Mode Click to add a seventh letter
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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing ROBLASandroblastoma astroblastoma centroblastic chondroblasts enteroblastic erythroblasts fibroblastoid fibroblastoma heteroblastic microblasters microblasting myofibroblast nephroblastic neuroblastoma nonfibroblast porphyroblast profibroblast sideroblastic 19 definitions found- androblastoma — n. (Pathology) A type of ovarian tumor in which the tumor cells…
- astroblastoma — n. A rare glial tumor derived from the astroblast.
- centroblastic — adj. Relating to a centroblast.
- chondroblasts — n. Plural of chondroblast.
- enteroblastic — adj. Relating to, or composed of enteroblasts.
- erythroblasts — n. Plural of erythroblast.
- fibroblastoid — adj. Of or pertaining to a fibroblast.
- fibroblastoma — n. (Pathology) Any tumour associated with a fibroblast.
- heteroblastic — adj. (Biology) Developing from more than a single type of tissue. — adj. (Botany) Growing several forms or type of leaves along a…
- microblasters — n. Plural of microblaster.
- microblasting — n. A form of abrasive blasting that uses very fine nozzles.
- myofibroblast — n. (Cytology) A cell that is intermediate between a fibroblast…
- nephroblastic — adj. Relating to, or composed of nephroblasts.
- neuroblastoma — n. (Oncology) A form of cancer that affects the ganglia in various…
- nonfibroblast — n. (Cytology) Any cell that is not a fibroblast.
- porphyroblast — n. (Geology) A relatively large crystal within a metamorphic rock.
- profibroblast — n. (Biology) A structure that develops into a fibroblast.
- sideroblastic — adj. Relating to sideroblasts.
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 4 words
- French Wiktionary: 3 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 2 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 2 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 5 words
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